Who I Trully Ship Sana With...(Discontinuing)

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to be honest I don't ship SaKook I changed my mind know....
I ship Sana with.........
I also ship Jungkook,Taehyung and Yoongi with Fangirls and Fanboys  😁
btw this is how to end Shipping wars :)
people always say #SaKook is better or #TaeSana is better and a fanwar starts...how to stop them? comment "Guys there is no need to argue about this there is something better than #TaeSana and #SaKook and that is.... JUNGKOOK X FANBOYS/FANGIRLS TAEHYUNG X FANBOYS/FANGIRLS AND SANA X FANBOYS/FANGIRLS :D besides Taehyung doesn't even love Sana he loves us Fangirls and Fanboys and it's the same for Jungkook and Sana" So that's how you end shipping wars :) TY for reading this short tip BYE! :D hope this helps!

Unfaithful:Her Heart (TaeSana/SaKook/YoonSana)Where stories live. Discover now