A Friend or an Enemy?

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"I think I'm gonna go lie down..." I start to turn around. "No! I mean...." Jake clears this throat, "I haven't had anyone to talk to in a long time..... but, I mean," he sighs, "Shut up," he says out of nowhere. "I didn't even say anything! You are the one who should shut up!" I sigh, then go sleep on a bed in the corner of my cage. Before I fall asleep though, I see Jake looking at me. He's weird.

I wake up the next day and look around. "Oh yeah...." I forgot that I was in this cage. "Geez, are you always that loud right when you wake up?" "Shut up." I look at him, and see him holding a knife across on of the bars on his cage. One of the bars next to it is broken. How did I not notice that yesterday? And the one he is cutting is almost cut in half. How the hell is that tiny pocket knofe cutting those bars? "What are you doing?" I ask him, "Escaping," he says simply, not even looking at me. The bar he was cutting suddenly broke. He steps out of his cage, squeezing bwtween the two bars. "How the he-" I cut myself off. "Do me," I say, and he just looks at me. "And why would I do that?" "I might be useful to you." He sighs. "Fine."

Eight hours later, I step out of my cage. "Thanks," I say. "You owe me." "Hmph." "Now lets get out of here," he says.

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