Lazy morning

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Rantarou laid in bed with his spouse in his arms. He sighed in content as he felt the other rustling in his arms, the dark colored hair brushing against his bare chest. Rantarou looked down for a moment and appreciated the sight. Shuuichi was fast asleep, soft breathing escaping his lips and a little bit of drool escaping from the corner of his mouth. His eyes were closed, eyelashes serving as an elegant curtain.

Rantarou closed his eyes and started to run his hands through Shuuichi's hair. Rantarou went in and pecked a kiss on Shuuichi's forehead, causing Shuuichi to rustle a little more. Slowly, his eyes opened. "Mmh.." Shuuichi murmured before letting out a yawn. Rantarou chuckled. "Goodmorning dear!" Rantarou said cheerfully to tease Shuuichi. It worked as Shuuichi looked away with a blush on his face. "M-morning.." He barely let out. Rantarou chuckled at his result as he tucked a strand of Shuuichi's hair behind his ear.

Shuuichi's eyes then lazily peered over at the time. He let out a sudden yelp. "1 PM?!" He exclaimed. Rantarou laughed. "Don't worry about the time, isn't it your day off today?" He asked Shuuichi. "That's still not an excuse to laze off! Don't you have work today?!" Shuuichi scolded, though his tone was still quiet with drowsiness. "Relax, I have night shift." Rantarou reassured. "Still not an excuse.." Shuuichi mumbled. Rantarou chuckled as he held Shuuichi closer, causing the other to briefly yelp out in shock. Rantarou rested his cheek on Shuuichi's head. "No need to be so uptight all the time, you can trust me." Rantarou said with another laugh. Shuuichi just sighed and cuddled closer. Rantarou looked down and noticed Shuuichi's shoulder being much more exposed than usual. He knew for a fact that Shuuichi usually slept with a white button up on. Rantarou raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"Right.. you probably noticed.." Shuuichi said sheepishly as he looked away. Rantarou only replied by lowering the blanket a little more, his eyes then widened at the sight that beheld him. There he saw a very familiar navy blue shirt, covered in dark blue stripes with a compass on the corner, cloaking over Shuuichi's body. Shuuichi blushed as he made eye contact with Rantarou for a brief moment. "I'm sorry.. I couldn't find my night shirts so I had to make do.." He sheepishly murmured. "....Adorable.." Rantarou barely managed to murmur. "Eh?" Shuuichi asked. Rantarou only replied by pecking a kiss on Shuuichi's lips. Shuuichi kissed him back. Shuuichi then looked at him with a bashful smile. "Do you want me to do this more often..?" He asked. "If only you want to." Rantarou said in amusement. He continued to wrap an arm around Shuuichi's waist while resting the other on Shuuichi's head.

They stayed like for a moment as Shuuichi leaned himself closer to Rantarou's body. After some time, Shuuichi's eyes darted to check the time once again. "Hey.. it's been 30 minutes.. we really need to get up." He gently pressed as he reached to lightly shake Rantarou's shoulder. Rantarou reluctantly loosened his grip and Shuuichi was the first to get out of bed. Rantarou perched himself on his elbow, watching Shuuichi get up, before reluctantly beginning to get up himself. Shuuichi pulled the shirt up a little bit more as he looked at Rantarou, who wouldn't stop staring.

"Let's just get washed up and I'll make something, okay?" Shuuichi said softly, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Sounds good." Rantarou said with a smile. As Shuuichi began to leave the room, Rantarou called out to him. "Next time, can you naked apron?" He called out with a laugh. It was Shuuichi's turn to smile. "In your dreams." He said with an amused smile.

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