14. Hey there, again.

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Dear Sir,

So, during those period I decided to finally reach out to you. Yep, I pinged that Messenger and messaged you, hoping for something. Maybe you could save me from this demise. So, it started again -- our on and off communication.

I learned you moved out of town to look for greater opportunities. I'm sad, of course, that you had to move away because that'll mean a greater distance between us. Man, why couldn't I myself just ask your hand for marriage instead? 💍

Maybe I didn't have to run away myself. Maybe I didn't have to run away in order to hide from people who wanted me to get married. Maybe I didn't have to move somewhere far so that they couldn't see me as a prospect for another marriage.

I ran away, guised by my dream of becoming a lawyer someday. I moved to a bigger city, got a new job and entered law school so that they couldn't disturb me, at least for another four years.

I miss my family, friends and everything back home, but I didn't want to be there at the same time. Maybe this would be a lot less hard if we're together. I've felt so lonely since there are lesser people to see here. No one to talk to. And law school is a lot stressful which adds to the insanity I felt.

Glad that I could talk to you sometimes about it but I'm greedy. I want more. Perhaps I want a pat at the back from you. Perhaps I want a hug from you, telling me how it's all going to be alright. Perhaps I want to just lie in bed with you, your presence enough to calm me before a long day of work and school. Perhaps I want you to hold my hand, silently cheering me on for my upcoming exams. Perhaps I just want you to be there. YOU. I want you here with me.


For how long is this gonna last, Sir? Another 14 years?

Ah, has it been that long?



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