New home

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Callie pov~
It was dark every where I looked, people kept walking past me. I could bearly feel anything, It was cold all around me I was laying on a cardboard box or something just in the alley way I was hungry, cold, and tired millions of people walked by not even caring about me, I started to give in and lay there to die but then something touched my fur, it ran its fingers through the fur and it felt nice I slowly looked over at what it was and saw a male crouching down beside me petting my fur he notices my attention on him so he looked over at me and smiled "hey girl, do you have a name?" he asked politely I hesitated then shook my head slowly "ah I see, so then I'll give you a name and you can come home with me" he said with a smile as he picked me up in his arms, I was frightened but he felt so warm that I forgot about being a afraid and fell asleep, he smiled and walked to his home which was near by. Once inside he carried me onto the bathroom and started a bath, I woke up and looked at the tub 'is that..water?'I asked myself. He set me down "can you get in?"he asked me calmly, I nodded then jumped into the water it felt nice and warm, he washed my fur then dried it once done. He walked out of the bathroom and I waited in the bathroom not knowing what to do then he stuck his head at the entrance of the room "coming?" he asked with a smile, I walked out along with him and sat down as he started making something it smelt nice and made my stomach growl, he looked at me and smiled "hungry?" I nodded and he set a bowl down in front of me and I started eating it. Once finished he sat down on the couch and I sat down beside him on the floor he looked at me "so can you speak?" he asked curiously I froze then nodded "yes I can" he looked surprised "wow, so then your a demi-human?" he asked "y-yes" I stuttered with a reply "hmmm" I looked around the room "so you can turn into a human, right?" he asked and once more I hesitated then nodded "yes..would you like to see?" I asked him shyly he looked at me expressionless then gave a light smile "I would, but don't force yourself to show me" he said politely "no, I won't mind" I said with a little more confidence he nodded then I turned into my human form, while in form I was wearing a over sized t-shirt with my underwear underneath, I looked down and slightly blushed 'shit I forgot I was only wearing a shirt' he looked me up and down and I felt my self getting redder he then stoped and walked to his room then out with a pair of shorts, he tossed them to me "you can put these on"he said while looking away so I can change.I quickly put them on even though they were big on me. He sat back down on the couch and I sat down on the floor, he looked at me then patted the spot beside him on the couch "you can come up" he said gently I hesitated then sat down beside him "so, do you have a name?" he asked looking at me "n-no" I studdered, he started thinking 'what's he thinking abou?'I asked myself he then turns back to me "Callie?" I thought about the name then nodded with a smile "yes" he petted my head and it felt nice, I looked at him "w-what's your name?"I asked him quitely, he smiled "my name is Maxis, but you can call me Max" I nodded, I liked his and my name "what are you gonna do now Callie?" he asked and I started thinking 'what am I gonna do?' I shook my head "I..don't know"I said sadly. "You can stay here..with me, if you'd like" he said I looked at him "but wouldn't I be a bother?" he shook his head "of course not, but if you stay..if would have to be as" he says with hesitation, I thought about it then nodded he smiled with joy then hugged me tightly and started petting my ear, it tickled but I held back a laugh. He stopped and smiled then yawned "I'm gonna go to sleep, you can sleep in my bed and ill sleep on the couch tonight" he said while stretching "b-but it's your bed, I can't just kick you out of it like that" I said, he looked at me then smiled " its fine, I want you to be comfy when you sleep, so you can and I won't argue about it anymore"he said with a reasuring smile, I got off the couch so he can lay down then slowly walked into his room looking around, I layed down and pulled the blankets on me then layed back on the pillows and slowly fell asleep

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