The past

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Max pov~
I woke up on the couch remembering what happened last night, I walked into my room and saw her sleeping on my bed I smiled then walked out of the room to the kitchen and started making breakfast I heard footsteps coming down the hall from my room and turned to see Callie rubbing her eyes standing at the hall entrance, I smiled "morning Callie" she looked at me slowly then lightly smiled "morning Max", she sat down at the table and I continued to make breakfast "I hope your hungry" I said while putting pancakes and bacon on two plates then set them down on the table then sat down in a chair across Callie, we both started eating "we can go get you some clothes later, you can borrow some of my clothes while I'm at work, okay?" I said after swallowing a bite of pancake she noddded and we continued eating 'damn, she looks so cute right now' I thought to my self. We finished so I started to do the dishes then walked to my room to change then found clothes for her to wear and handed them to her, she changed in the room while I was in the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth, then i walked out of the bathroom and to the door "I'll be back by 5:40pm, just make whatever in the fridge" I smiled then walked out the door and to my red car.

Callie pov~
I watched as he walked out the door, then walked to the bathroom and looked at myself "its a little big" I said quitely to myself, I walked out the bathroom and to the living room and sat down, i looked at the time 'bearly 4:00pm' I thought to myself then decided to take a nap, it felt like a dream but I knew it was memories..ones I didn't want to remember

I looked around to see a room, in the room it was dark, I could hear the sound of metal hitting the ground sliding left and right slowly, I stood up then fell down my body felt weak, everything hurt for some reason I looked over at a big door with light shining out the bottom.I crawled to the light and looked under the door and what I saw was chains..chains dangling down and hooked onto something, they were moving and I could hear screams some shouted, back away!, don't come near me!, it hurts!,get it out!, I was terrified of the sounds so I crawled away to what felt like a wall but when I turned around there was a man looking at me with a huge grin he grabbed me and took me into the room, I was screaming and struggling, it was terrifying in there they put me on this table where they sat me up and put this collar on me then latched the hook on it to a near by chain, the man held out his hand to me and started touching my face then leaned in closer to me, I started crying and he noticed "oh, don't cry my dear, were just gonna have some fun"he said with a grin I cryied more then he leaned in and kissed me, I couldn't breath I felt like I wad gonna suffocate. He started to slide his hand down from my face to my chest then to my crotch, he started moving his finger up and down then stared to pull off my pants and panties still kissing me, he then stopped and looked at me as my below was showing and I cried even more harder then before he grinned harder then started kissing from my chest and down..I felt someone shaking me and calling my name "callie..Callie!..CALLIE!!" the shaking continued and I woke up.

Max pov~
I has just got off work and was heading home with some diner, I pulled into my drive way and got out my car, I walked to the front door and unlocked it then entered "callie I'm home" I said while setting keys on key holder and the bags of food on the table, I walked to the room to look for callie but she wasn't there so I walked into the living room and looked but when I saw her she was sleeping on the couch peacefully so I walked into the kitchen to set diner up on the table. I started to hear mumbling in the living room so I walked in to see Callie crying in her sleep I rushed to her and started to shake her "callie..Callie!..CALLIE!!" she slowly started to wake up, she was shaking and tears still rolling down her face I looked at her worried and she looked at me with sad eyes "Callie,what's wrong?" I asked concerened she sat up and looked down at her lap "i-it's n-n-nothing"she said studering with a terrified look I grab her arms "no its not, what's wrong?!"i shouted, she pulled her arms loose "p-please d-don't touch me!" she shouted while jumping off the couch and running towards the door, she ran out "hey!" I shouted as I chased after her, she ran fast and eventually turned into her wolf form to keep running "Callie, please wait!" I shouted sounding a little desperate.

Callie pov~
I continue running as he chases after, I don't know why I ran..I just did, I was crying and just terrifyied 'I don't want to go back, I never wanna go back' I shouted to my self. Max continued to chase after me even thought I wanted to be close to him and hug him my body wouldn't let me, "Callie!, please.." he shouted from afar eventually slowing down his pace, it started raining so I ran even faster hearing the voices

Oh, don't cry my dear, were just gonna have some fun

Don't come any closer

Back away

It hurts take it out

It continues to run in my head, I stop and turn to human form then crouched down on the sidewalk and covered my ears shaking my head to vanish the thoughts "leave me alone!, just leave" I shouted as tears run faster down "please..just leave"I say slowly starting to give in, I felt a hand touch my shoulder but I didn't care to look, I continued covering my ears crouching until I felt something pick me up from the ground. I clinched my eyes shut and flattened my ears "callie, your safe" he whispered into my ear, I felt rain drop on me so I slowly opened one eye slowly seeing who it was "m-max?" I said quietly looking at him with tears still rolling down, he lightly smiled as he nodded slowly "yes, now lets go home before you catch a cold" he said with a smile I looked at him relieved then started crying deeper as I wrapped my arms around him he smiled then started to walk back to the house, "I'll never hurt or leave you Callie, so please never run out like that gave me heart attack when you did that, I thought I wasn't gonna be able to catch you and you would've been stolen from me"he said quietly to me, I nodded slowly. We got back to his house and he sat me down on the couch then sat beside me and turned facing me "do you wanna talk about it?"he said trying to help I shook my head "I would..but I don't know how to explain it in words" he thought "then try basic words like happy, scary, sad, angry, bird, dog, you know like that" he said, I nodded then started thinking "dark, chains, screams, terrified, man, table, kiss, cries, touching,pants, underwear.." I said trying my best to describe it, he looks at me stunned and surprised "I think I see.." I nodded then looked back at my lap " and that happened in real life?, not just a dream?" he asked and I nodded "yeah...the reason I was out in on the streets like when you found me was because" I got interrupted "that place?"he asked "y-yeah"I suffered. It went quite for awhile "well.."he said suddenly that it startled me "well..I won't let that happen to you again, EVER" he sayed looking at me with a reassuring smile,I looked at him "r-really?" I asked, he nodded "well, lets have some diner now" he said with a smile as he stood up, I nodded then stood up he grabbed the bags of food and set them at the table, he reached his hand in and pulled out a little white box with two sticks stuck together and handed it to me then grabbed out his box then sat down, he pulled the sticks apart and started using them to eat his noodles, I looked at my sticks 'how the hell do I even use this?' I asked myself, he noticed my confusion so he showed me how to do it, I started getting a hang of it so I did it by myself and it was pretty easy, we finished diner soon after. He did the dishes and I sat down on the couch, he eventually sat down beside me and we watched tv together then we both fell asleep on the couch

(Hehe^^, sorry if it is long and confusing..its my first and I'm not good with short stories, I've always did long ones but I'll work on making it a little shorter)

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