back with me

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Callie pov~
A while has passed since me and Max first met, things have been pretty calm even though I've felt like someone has been watching me lately but I've already Max and he said he would try to stop it. I was sitting on the couch, summer had finally came and it was really hot out, Max came out of his room and sat beside me "wanna go swim?" he said while looking out the window I nodded "yeah" he nodded back then stood up and helped me stand up, he had bought me clothes already so I went to the room and changed into a bikini while he changed into his trunks. He looked at me and smiled then we walked out of the room and to the front door, he grabbed his keys and shut the door behind us then we got into his red car, he lowered the top of it and drove off. The wind felt nice on a hot day, he pulled into the public pool and we got out, I looked around to see very little people there. I followed him to the entrance as he paid for our entries'damn I need to get a job soon' I thought as walked me into the pool, we set our stuff down at two sunchairs then he jumped into the water "you coming? Or are you afraid of a little water puppy?" he said in a teasing yet kind voice, I growled "of course I'm coming in, I'm not a cat" I said as I jumped into the water, he smiled then started splashing me so I splashed him back. "Hey Callie?" he said while looking at me "yes?" I replied "if your a wolf..then are you gonna smell like wet dog?" he asked with a teasing smile I growled again "no you hypocrite" he smiled and dove under the water then back up behind me "boo" he says as he taps my shoulder, I quickly turn around to see him "you really are easy to a cat" he says with a smirk as he swims away "haha very funny" I say sarcastic as I swim to the diving board, I get out the water and onto the board to jump, I stand at the end and lightly jump then jumps doing a flip then dive into the water, I swam back up to the sound of someone clapping I looked over and saw Max out the water clapping "good job Callie" he says happily I swim over to him "you do a trick now" I said while getting out the water "me?" he asks and I nod "yes, you silly" I say, he nods then gets on the board and does a back flip. I clap "good job" he swims over to me and I get on the board and grin at him "am I a cat, Max?" I ask as I jump high enough for two back flips then end in a side flip, his jaw dropped and I smiled "no, your not a cat" he says as he back down from our challenge, he jumps into the water doing a cannonball right beside me, I laugh as he surfaces and smiles, after a few hours of swimming we went back to the house. I was changing into my clothes then Max touched my back and it burned "oww" I yelped as I jumped a little, he looks at where he had poked "you gotta sunburn" he says as he looks in his closet "a sunburn?" I ask confused " yeah, your skin is heated there so its gonna hurt when touched" he throws me a bottle of alo "here, this should help, it makes the sunburn disappear" I take some and rub it on my shoulder 'it burns a little'i thought to myself, he smiled and walked out the room and I continued to change. I had finished changing, when I walked out the room Max was in the kitchen making lunch, I sat down at the table and started thinking 'i still have..those..dreams but they're not as terrifying as the one I had the other day' I had completely zoned out not hearing Max talking to me, he started snaping "callie, are you listening?" he said as he sat down, I shook my head "sorry, I zoned I didn't hear what you were saying" he nodded with an understanding "okay, what I was saying is I'm taking a business trip for a day or two, and I can't take you with me so you'll have to stay here" he said, I nodded "are you gonna be fine?"he asked "yeah..I'll be fine" I had told him even though I really didn't want to be left alone. After we finished the discussion he started packing and I sat down on the couch, he came out of the room and tossed me a house key "you can leave whenever but be sure to lock the door when you do, okay?" he asked "okay" I agreed, he smiled then walked out the door to put the bags in the car trunk then walked back in "please..stay safe" he said a little concerned, I sighed "I will, I promise" I said with a reassuring smile, he smiled back then left, shutting the door behind him, I looked out the window "please don't leave me, I don't wanna be left alone"I said whimpering quietly to myself as I watch him drive away. I turn and slide down to the floor, it gets quite for awhile until a light tap hits the door, my ears flick up and I look out the window lightly. I see this figure in black 'its not even night dude, have more effort' I said growling to myself, I turn into wolf form and sit at the entrance waiting for the robber to come in, once he is in he looks around "haha, no one is hear" he says quietly, I growl and he looks over scared "n-nice doggy...stay.." he says shutting the door behind him 'what the hell?,leave already!' I shout to myself, he slowly walks over to me holding his hand out "s-see, no reason to be afraid..I'm a friend of your owner boy" I growl and stand up 'did he just call me a boy?' he steps back a little when I stood then reached into a bag he has, he pulled out a muzzle, I looked at it and growled deeper he came closer holding the muzzle ready I jumped at him making him fall back "h-hey, calm down boy" he sayed holding his hand out, I snapped at him almost bitting him, he dropped all his stuff, got up, and ran out of the house and down the road. I turned back to human form and shut the door then cleaned up the mess "tsk, whata mess" I said irritated, I picked up the muzzle then quickly dropped it remembering pain, kicked it away from me and fell back trying to move away from it, I moved back into a corner, I bent my knees and crossed my arms on them as a tear rolled down

·Come here MUTT, be a good dog and put this on

·No bitting!!

·Muzzle her now!

·Bad girl!

Blood..blood ran down as the muzzle was tight around my face, my hands tied back to keep me from removing the muzzle. It hurt, pain shot through my head, I couldn't think of anything.


I started crying, my head spun, I was dizzy, I collapsed from stress and fear, everything was black. I woke up in the corner, I sat up,then flinched as something was jabbing my side, I looked up. The man from earlier was right beside me, he looked over and grinned "hey there, I see you have awoke, well then that would make things more fun" he reached his hand over to me and I flinched flattening my ears, he grinned as he touched my face, I tried to move but my hands were tied behind me by a rope around my waist, he moved his hand then slowly started to pick me up, I started kicking and struggling "damn, your so hot I can't even wait to do you know what?, I'm gonna give you a spin here then back at the hangout so that I can get you first" he said while licking his lips. He walked into the room still carrying me then he layed me down on the bed, he untied my hands from my waist and retied the rope around the back board of the bed, he got up on top of me, his crouch touching mine "damn, where were you all my life?" he asked as he leans toward me kissing me, I started kicking but he just ignored it. I started crying again "don't cry, I'm not gonna hurt you, I just wanna play, babe" he said as he started to pull my pants and underwear down, he grinned as he looked me up and down, then he unbuttoned his pants and started to pull them down along with his boxers,"p-p-please don't" I begged while crying, his grin widened as I clinched my eyes shut. I heard the front door open, the smell was familiar, I knew who it was, I cried more because the fact I knew who it was "hey Callie, sorry I forgot my laptop"Max said as he walked I to the house, i couldn't keep from yelling "MAX!!" I shouted, he rushed into the room and I looked at him as he looked at me then at the guy with rage, he ran over and punched the man down then sat on him punching continuesly until he was bleeding and knocked out then got off of him and rushed to me untying the ropes"Callie!, I'm so sorry" he said as he huged my crying self, he leaned me up and I quickly pulled my underwear up "i-it's fine, its my fault for letting my guard down" I said looking the other way "its not fine, what he was doing is NOT FINE!" he shouted at me, I flattened my ears and he noticed "i-i'm sorry for raising my voice like that" he said quietly to me, I did nothing buy cry the whole time, he patted my back as he picked up the phone and called the police, they started talking while I zoned out 'it's..happening again, what i ran from has found me..why..why can't I just escape it?, I just wanna live freely without being a toy, I wanna just be left alone and be with Max' I thought to myself, Max tapped my shoulder and I looked at him "the police will be here soon, so..just get some rest and I'll handle the rest" he said trying to help, I nodded and honestly sleep sounds good right about now, I lay back shaking a little, Max lays his hand on mine with a worried look.

Max pov~
I look at Callie with a worried look while holding her hand, I told her, no promised her that I would always keep her safe and never leave her side yet here we are she's completely shooken and was taken advantage over when I left, why can't people just leave her alone?, she's already terrified as it is, I can hear her cry into the pillow, I rub her back as I sit beside her, then i noticed this metal object laying on the ground 'what is that?' I ask myself as I stood up, I walked over and looked at it but was completely surprised when I saw it "A muzzle?!" I could hear the sound of Callie moving in the bed, when I walked back in she was curled up tightly 'was it because I said...muzzle?' I asked myself, I looked at her. I felt so bad, she went though a lot but still stands strong now, I want to protect her with everything, no matter what, I cover her up with the blanket then walked out the house to the cops that were just pulling in, they take the man away and drive off, I shut the door behind me as I walk back into the room, I look at Callie as she sleeps, tears still rolling down, I slowly get in the bed without waking her then wrapped my arms around her "I'm sorry for leaving your side" I whisper into her ear then wrap my arms around her

Callie pov~
I heard someone whisper into my ear and I felt something wrap around me, I lightly opened an eye to see Max asleep beside me with his arms around me, I was happy that he was back with me, I smiled then fell back asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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