Elite Love: Chapter Three

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Elite Love: Chapter Three

"Mum! Are you home yet?"

Pushing the front door I huffed quickly locking away the cold air that whooshed in behind me, how could I have such a perfect day with such cold weather?

Must be luck.

"No idiot, but your favourite brother is." I groaned at the sigh of my older brother smirking slyly at me from the top of the carpeted stairs whilst eating cereal out of a mug, don't ask me why a nineteen year old man would do such a thing because my human mind is not able to cope with such strange antics "Really? My sweet sixteen mug? You're a monster!" I said shaking my head in dismay as I hung my coat up.

A loud scoff escaped his full mouth I was lucky not be stood near him or I would of got the full Cheerio facial with a side of snide comments, ever since we upped and moved houses from Guildford my brother had been an exceptional pain in my ass and nearly everyone else in the house hold.

"A monster? That's no way to speak to the man who basically raised you."

"You hardly raised me Jay ! All you did was torment me!"

"Oh, please! Are you still whining about that time when I posted your diary on Facebook?! That was ages ago!"

"It was two years ago!" I hissed feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment I stomped up the stairs it would never cease to embarrass me, I mean what kind of older brother posted his little fifteen year old sisters private thoughts online? Jay Blue Belle, that's who.

"Well done! Now, you gonna help me unpack the damn bowls or what?" Jay demanded thumping his way down the stairs like an elephant I scowled at him "You couldn't have done it yourself?" I snapped I was seriously considering sticking his toothbrush down the toilet again.

We had lived in this house for over a month and we still had boxes full of our belonging lying still all in the house all over the place our garage was a huge mess but there wasn't much we could do, most of us were to busy to do anything due in the summer. My parents were both busy working their full time jobs and Jay was more likely to jump of a rocky bottom cliff than help us settle into our new home and I just really couldn't be bothered, I was to busy exploring our new community.

"So, how was your very first day at Arses Academy?" Jay taunted wiggling his brows at me "You meet any smoking ballet boys?"

I glared at him as I entered our kitchen our new house was actually really nice it was certainly bigger than our last with way more space for us to move around, I especially liked my new bigger room more than my last box one "What is your problem with ballet boys? They happen to be very hot." I snapped turning round to glare at him he held up his hands in defence.

"Nothing! I'm sorry, okay? I'm having a bad day." Jay scowled running his hands through his dark hair I frowned at him "Why? Cause you start college tomorrow?" I asked with a roll of my eyes like he would have any problems.

Jay didn't answer me but instead continued to put all of the wrapped up dishes away I'm not sure why he was nervous, my brother was the kind of guy who got all of the girls with his easy charm he was all the way a player. What they saw in him? I don't know but he was just the type of loser they went for.

And I could hardly catch one guys attention.

"Where is Lark?" Suddenly aware of my littlest brothers lack of presence, it was rare for anyone other than me to notice he wasn't around because he was so quiet, but I always knew when he wasn't here. Jay paused his mouth open ready to throw out a quick shot at me before it snapped shut, he began to glance around wildly "Uh, he was here, like, five seconds ago, I swear!" He mumbled quickly flying his way out of the room.

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