Elite Love: Chapter Ten

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Elite Love: Chapter Ten


I jumped, nearly hitting my head off the door of my locker and spun round to see the owner of that honey like voice stood across from me with amusement sparkling in his amber eyes, heat flooded into my face like a river of my own humiliation.

Great way to start my day.

"Ryder?" I said dumbly, why was he talking to me? I hadn't done anything to him. Usually he just ignores me all day, or sometimes he will just stare at me from a distance which gave me butterflies everyday, but for me, I think it was better that way even if he did intrigue me to no end.

"Now you know my name. Did you know it before you ran me over?" He asked leaning against the locker next to mines, he wore his uniform better than most of the male population in here, even though it was all the same.

Guilt flooded into my system, I couldn't tell if he was being serious or not because his tone was harder to understand than most, it didn't help me that I had wore my hair up to keep out of my eyes today and now my burning red face was on display to the world.

"I'm really sorry about that." I said tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear, I bounced on my heel trying to shake off my discomfort. He watched me closely his eyes rolling over my face in a way that I couldn't completely figure it out.

The light breeze outside had ruffled his hair making it look deliciously messy, when did keeping my eyes on his become so hard? All I wanted to do was look at his perfect muscular body but as I stared him hard in the eyes it started to get harder by the minute.

"You damaged my hand. And I need that hand for my sculpting lesson." Ryder glared at me with such annoyance that even I felt annoyed at myself "I told you I'm sorry!" I said feeling my guilt shred into me. His eyes narrowed even more as he stepped so close that I could feel his body heat, lowering his face to mines he spoke lowly, "Stop apologizing to me." He demanded I was so possessed by those golden eyes that he could have asked me to strip and I would have agreed.


He pulled back with a small smirk on his face and turned to look at Kendall who was staring at us with confusion burning in her ocean blue eyes "Isn't that the girl that hit you?" She asked turning her gaze on me, it became considerably less friendly but that was expected after what I'd done.

"Yeah, but she just apologized and promised to help me throughout the week with my books." He said I felt my jaw nearly hit the floor "You- No I didn't!" I babbled feeling shock twist my tongue so that I had a brand new stutter to match my horrified expression. Both heads turned towards me Kendall gave me a cold look "Well you should, you did hit him with a car. He could press charges against you." She scowled at me making my shoulders slump in defeat, my mum would kill me if that happened.

"Fine! Of course, I kind of owe you it." I muttered with a scowl gracing my face I held out my arms for the books in his strong ones, he stared at me like I was dumb "I have academic classes now, you want my help or not?" I gritted out trying to hold onto my patience, why must he do this to me in the morning?

"I'm not going to make you carry my books," Ryder said like I was the stupidest girl in the school, "You aren't strong enough, I need your help with my after school project,"

My face became blank at his request, I expected him to make me haul around his books or grab him his lunch, but I definitely did not expect him to ask me to spend more time with him when I had kind of ran him down with a car.

"You're not serious are you? I have my studies and my life to work on." I said gnawing at my lower lip, there was no way that I would also have time to help him out with his projects when I have my own, and I still had to find a job before my mum kicked my butt out of the house.

"So do I, it would be a hell of a lot easier if I had two hands to do it too." Ryder said with a smirk when he saw the guilt that flooded into my expression, I didn't want to do this at all but I owed it to him and it is my fault.

"I'll miss the bus home if I do this." I said it was a valid excuse, how would I get home afterwards if I miss the bus.

"I'll give you a ride home."

"I have to babysit my brother for my parents sometimes after school whilst my parents work." I tried it was the truth, and I never even got paid for it, this one seemed to make him think a little.

"Tell me when and we can work at your house." he shrugged as if it were the simplest thing in the whole world.

"No!" I all but shouted quickly, quick enough for the words to come out of my mouth in a horrified rush, I swallowed trying to regain my composure "My little brother, he doesn't sit well with strangers."

Ryder watched me carefully, the way his eyes rolled over my face brought heat to my cheeks it made me wonder what his thoughts of me were when he looked at me...if he thought I looked like someone worth getting to know. The moment the silly thought entered my mind, it was gone, there was no way he could wonder such a thing when he had a girl like Kendall in his presence all the time.

It wasn't possible.

"Then we'll work something out." He said slowly giving me an odd look, turned and began to stride too quick for anyone to keep up with him I felt my shoulders slump, it felt weird to be around him. Every person here felt so intimidating to me, especially Ryder Vance there was just something about him that made me feel inferior.

Watching him walk away was enough to make me sigh, the way his muscles moved under his shirt is more attractive than all of those Channing Tatum scenes in Magic Mike, and I liked myself some Channing Tatum.

I mentally smacked myself, what the bloody hell was I thinking? The guy was basically guilting me into helping him, that was it, there was nothing else to it and did not at all want to embarrass myself further by developing a petty crush on him. And anyway, from what the girls told me, Ryder Vance was quite the ladies man.

He wouldn't even know me had I not hit him.

Straightening my spine I took a deep breath and smacked myself back into school mode, today I need to focus because I'm pretty sure that my maths class would be getting a test to see to what extent our knowledge travelled to. My maths had always been good, but not the best, which is why all of last night was spent with me buried in a maths book.

Maybe it would be a lot more easier if I didn't have Ryder Vance on my mind all the time.


I know, I know.

This one is very short, but I'm having some serious writers block just now and had no idea on what to do with it. I couldn't leave you hanging so I sucked it up and produced...well this. Not to mention the new 'My Works' set-up which is preventing me from writing new chapters, luckily I wrote this one beforehand!

Try and enjoy what little entertainment I have given to you, please!


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