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On the way to the dorm Jin stopped at a shopping centre to get me some new clothes an a new haircut.

On the way to the dorm Jin stopped at a shopping centre to get me some new clothes an a new haircut

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(her new haircut)

Thank God I am lanky and tall for my age and sex

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Thank God I am lanky and tall for my age and sex. If I wasn't I doubt they would believe I was a boy. I get changed into my new outfit (as shown above).

* Time skip *

We get to the dorm and I am greeted by Jungkook running away from the 95liners and Hoseok. Namjoon is telling at them to stop while cooking a burnt smelling dish and Yoongi is just sleeping peacefully on the lounge with his neck pillow.

Jin oppa moves away from me and stands on a chair in the dinning room. He claps his hands loudly like teachers do in a noisy classroom. All the boys stop what they are doing and repeat the same pattern Jin has just made and look towards him. Even yoongi woke up and copied the pattern.

“Eomma is home! We are having a house meeting.” Jin yells. “Also Namjoon, the food is burning. Turn off the stove.”

“i don't know how to. I almost broke it turning it on.” Namjoon looks at his feet.

I can feel the stares of the other members on me as I go into the kitchen and turn the oven off. I turn around and see their confused faces. I sigh. “Hi I am MJ or Minjun, please treat me well.” I bow.


Hey readers!
Just thought I should let you know that this is set in the past. That's why MJ is so young. It is set in 2013. But in the next few chapters I plan on making it in the present time.

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