(◕ᴥ◕) 넷 (◕ᴥ◕)

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I walk out of my room and see all the boys sitting around the table. They all look awkward except for jk who is showing off his classic innocent bunny smile.

"MJ sit down next to kookie, we are going to have a very important conversation with you both." Yoongles says with a very serious face.

For some reason I have a feeling this talk is going to be embarrassing.

"Now MJ and jk, you are growing into men. You have probably experienced some kinda dreams that are really graphic in some sense," Jin says staring right into my soul.

Oh fuck....

"Now we have some books for you guys to read. You can study them together or alone," Yoongi says as he drops a big stack of books in front of us.

"I can help you study if you want?" Namjoon asks. "I do have a very high IQ. I can probably teach you a lot of things you don't know."

I blush.

Before I could answer Jin answers for me. "No. You will not be helping him with anything."

Namjoon looks over at Jin with an annoyed look.

"Well we better get too it." Jk says as he grabs a book and heads to his room.

I get up from the table and go grab some cereal and head to my own room.

I dont need those silly books. I basically know how everything works.

I sit on my floor and open up my laptop to watch some anime.


I eventually felt myself getting hungry again.  I havent been watching anime for that long...

I look at the time and realise I have been watching Pokemon for 5 fucking hours!!! I guess its lunch time. I close my laptop and open my door to Jungkook who was just about to knock on my door.

"Hey, can I come in?" He looks super tired. He hand rubbing the nape of his neck. He is probably tired from studying the books Jin gave him earlier.

"Sure thing!" I smile and go to sit on my bed and pat the other side so Jungkook can lay down next to me. 

He smiles but ends up yawning mid smile and closes the door behind him. Jungkook walks to my bed and does exactly what I motioned him to do.

"So u been studying?" I ask him blushing. I have always liked jungkook. His smile gives me butterflies.

"The books are so boring. I dont want to read about that. I already know all that information," He turns to me and smiles " But you probably dont."

"Kookie, stop teasing me!" I playfully slap his chest.

Jungkook lies still for a moment. He then pushes me down onto the bed and moved from laying on the bed to sitting on my hips. 

I blush even more. Jungkook is straddling me. I wish it was the other way round.

Jungkook then proceeds to tickle me!!! 

I cant stop laughing and moving around. I hate being tickled. I try to push him off me but he grabs both my wrists with one of his hands and secures them above my head. his othet hand contunies to tickle me.

I cant stop laughing. "Jungkook, Stop."

I feel him touch my breast. We both freeze. He is looking at my chest and then looks back at my face. "oh..." jungkooks face goes a bright red.


HELLO ITS ME IM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

reason for not updating

SO I basically my family abused me and i had to leave them (even though i was an adult they would still take away my phone!!!). I moved into my ex house and i lived with him for a year but after a while it felt like I was sharing a bed with a friend.

I got back with my very first boyfriend at the beginning of this year and i got my own place!! I am working on my own mental health and my trauma.

I hope you all understand!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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