Chapter Eight - Scents

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Still being embraced by the cold Ayato, I closed my eyes and let the pain sink in. "You're not making this fun for me if you just sit their like a dead fish. Aren't you going to do something?" He stopped biting me. Looking me straight on, Ayato was wanted me to suffer at his hands, but I can't get hurt anymore.

"What do you want me to do...?" I whispered, he obviously didn't even have a response. Ayato just stared at me.

"Hey, I just noticed... what the hell is that mark all about? It was faint a while ago, now it's all bruised over," he was referring to Kou's bite mark. I guess he knows it isn't one of his brother's.

"It's just a bite mark, what about it?" This was great, I was stalling him. Each minute his fangs weren't in contact with my skin made me happier, less sad.

"What about it?! I want to know who's been touching my prey. Spit it out, pancake!" Ayato began to yell at me, I could tell that he wouldn't give it up. Now, he was hovering over me more than before. Was he trying to establish dominance?

"I can't tell you. Even if I could, I wouldn't," I whispered under my breath. If I said it any louder, it in any other tone, he may have gotten mad at me. His eyes... they're cold! I hate it! Subaru, where are you? How long do I have to put up this 'I don't give a shit' act? It hurts me. My chest. It hurts. It hurts... it hurts. Make it stop, Subaru. Footsteps could be heard coming down the hallway, towards our scene. Could it be Subaru? I was happy at the thought.

      My moment's happiness soon came to an end. It was Laito and Kanato. "Well, well, what do we have her? Subaru's toy...? I think we all should have a piece of her. He's been teasing us with her aroma, but never lets us have a taste. It's rather unfair if you ask me," Laito grinned, he walked to stand over to Ayato. Kanato soon followed.

        "It's really selfish of her, to only obey Subaru, you know. Teddy should be allowed a taste of her blood, he's mad that he hasn't had any yet," Kanato started to smile, it wasn't a happy smile, not an excited smile, but a psychotic smile.

Laito kneeled down next to Ayato, pulling my leg out from under his brother. "Excuse me, what are you doing?" This is completely uncalled for. Is Laito actually going to taste my leg? What the hell? I tried to kick him away, but his grip on my leg was too strong. I could see him go down from over the shoulder of Ayato, who had continued to dig into me.

Kanato dropped his bear, and yanked my arm. My arm...? Well, it could be worse. I could feel him sink his weapons into as the well. Six tiny holes, draining me of the precious liquor of life that runs through my veins.

      "Haa... aaa... yes... you are very delicious. You taste better than you smell... maybe one day we could play around with the exclusion of my fangs," Laito teased. What the hell is wrong with him? I've only just met him and he's inviting to do something like... like that? I was visibly shocked, he looked up at me.

     "What do you mean?!" I shouted at him. I moved my leg, trying my best to kick him away. Laito just grabbed my ankle and giggled

       "Goddamn, cupcake," said Ayato, he looked impressed. "For a human, you got a nice kick. Why don't you fight us more? It's no fun when your limp like that," his hands were now wrapped around my throat. I couldn't breathe. "C'mon, if you don't  want to die, then fight me... fight me!"

      Kanato started to laugh as he pulled himself away from my arm. "Look at her face! It's turning blue. Maybe after she dies, I can make her into a beautiful mannequin. Teddy would enjoy a knee friend, wouldn't you, Teddy?" He picked up his creepy-ass bear, holding in front of me. Kanato had no remorse, guilt or sorrow in his eyes. It was pure amusement.

       With the last breath I could muster, I feebly attempted to yell out, "... Subaru... Subaru... where are you? H-help me..." I whined, I started to cry. My tears were back, they had refreshed themselves. My tears were the only warmth that I was receiving.

      "Why cry out to him? Is it because your in love? Ah~ how romantic!" Laito began to blush. My blood boiled at his mockery. I could no longer speak, there was no more air in my lungs.

     Suddenly, my hair was pulled away from the triplets. "What the fuck, you perverts?!" I could hear Subaru's voice as I gasped for air. I held my throbbing throat while laying at his feet. He's here, he's actually here. Smiling, I looked up at him, grabbing his pant leg. Without saying another word, he reached down to grab me by my waist, lifting me up into his embrace.


I was swiftly taken down the hallway and into a familiar setting, Subaru's room. He placed me down, I stood next to him. "Subaru..." I whispered out, pulling him into a tight embrace, I nuzzled my head into his chest. "Thank you, I-" I didn't know what to say. I guess I was still in a state of shock because I couldn't believe what my life had become.

"Don't say anything. Just lay down," he opened the coffin lid for me. I had no option but to obey him. Subaru looked irritated as is, I didn't want to anger him more. He glanced down at bite marks, and the gashes from the whip. He scoffed.

Closing the lid on top of us, the pitch blackness had come back. I couldn't see a thing. I felt him on top of me, staring down at me. "I've been thinking of you, a lot lately. It's been bothering me, how you are everything that I want to be..." I could feel his tears drip down onto me. "You are perfect. Kou was right. Because of your beauty, you'll be preyed upon..." He weeped.

Subaru's POV:

         I looked down at (Y/N), she looked concerned. Her hand graced my skin. "Is there something else that's bothering you?" asked (Y/N). Should I tell her? This feeling in my chest won't get any better if I don't. I felt like I was being suffocated by my own heart, tearing me in two.

           "I love you," her eyes widened, I could tell that (Y/N) was trying to process what I had just said. I didn't want to hear a response. Instead, I lowered myself into her, gently nibbling at her nose. I could feel her smile. I made my way down to her lips, enjoying every inch of their softness and taste. I liked them. Once (Y/N) opened her mouth, I didn't hesitate to slide my tongue between her teeth.

         Slowly, I began to slip off her jacket. She moved her arms with me, making it easier for it to be removed. Next, I started to unbutton her shirt. I moved my kisses down to her neck, leaving little pecks wherever I moved. I could hear silent moans escape along with her breath.

       Lowering myself to her chest, I reached yo unbutton her bra. I wanted to leave my mark on her chest. I began to suck, not pierce, her chest. (Y/N) giggled. She seemed to be enjoying my playtime as much as I was.

I will make sure that everybody on this planet knows that (Y/N) is mine. I will shower her with my scents until she is unrecognizable. She will wear me with pride.

【Break Me, Salvage Me】Subaru Sakamaki • Reader (Diabolik Lovers)Where stories live. Discover now