Chpater 16 - Suprising Realities

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Nobody's POV:

      Subaru paced his room back and forth. The mirror was shattered, the window was nonexistent, and his door was pulled off of its hinges. There was cracks in the ceiling and floor. Clothes, dirty and clean, were scattered. The coffin's lid was broken into 2 parts. His sheets and blankets were torn into pieces. The pillows were deflated, they had no more stuffing.

Screaming, Subaru grabbed his hair and knelt down to the floor. Tears streamed out of his eyes. "Where is she? Did she run away from me? I swear, I was with her! Where is she? Where is she? Where is she? Where is she? WhEre iS sHe? WHERE IS SHE?" His voice echoed through hallways. The sound waves of his voice traveled to each of the brothers' rooms.

Footsteps clambered down the hallway leading towards Subaru's room. A head poked in to see Subaru sitting and crying there on the floor. "Subaru," said a harsh voice. Subaru turned, he saw Reiji, half hidden by the unhinged door. "What's all this fuss about?"

"What do you think it's about?" Subaru snapped back, he snarled his teeth like a caged dog. He was hostile.

"Don't use that tone with me. If father sees your room like this, we will all get in trouble..." Reiji commented. He always seemed to remind the brother's that their father is always watching.

"Why'd you bring him up? What does he have to do with this?" Subaru stood up to face Reiji, his cheeks were still wet from his tears. They were warm and red.

"You got a letter from a special somebody," Reini chuckled, he pushed up his glasses. "It was delivered by one of our father's familiars, so I am believing that it is important." Reiji outstretched his hand, he attempted to give the letter to Subaru.

    "What's the letter about?"

    Reiji pushes the broken door out of his way, "how am I supposed to know?" He questioned, "this letter is addressed to you. I am not one to snoop in others' mail. Now, take the letter," Reiji walked over to Subaru and forcibly made Subaru hold it. His deep voice cut through Subaru's skin.

   "Fine.... geez, you're just like a goddamn grandma," Subaru threw an insult at Reiji. He tore open the letter. (AUTHOR: PLEASE, IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY, LOOK AT THE CHAPTER IMAGE! I made my own version of the letter!). Subaru opened the letter, "What the fuck?" He sniffed it. The letter was splattered with blood. He could only make out a few words. Girl... knows you... ball... nobles... attending... he stormed out of the room, grabbing his jacket off of his broken chair. He left the letter behind on the floor.

Nobody's POV (explaining the bloody letter):

(Y/N) opened her eyes to reveal a woman with white hair staring down at her. She was warm, she was laying with blankets wrapped around her in a bed. "Are you okay?" The woman asked quietly. "My husband brought you here. He said that you were acquainted with a boy named Subaru, is that correct?"

"Ah, yessum," (Y/N) replied, she waved her arms in the air in front of her. Her vision was blurry. Flashbacks of the previous night came back to her. The screaming, the pain, the panic, it all appeared in forms of visions. (Y/N) began to let warm tears drop down her soft, feeble cheeks.

     The woman grabbed her arm, pulling it away from (Y/N)'s face, "are you alright? Did something happen?" The woman had red eyes, like blood. Her hair was as white as a rose.

"Where am I? What's your name? ..." (Y/N) let out a gasp of fear and relief, a mixture. Her hands are pressed up against her own face. Her tears fell through the cracks of her fingers, onto her knees.

"You're in the castle... and, my name is Christa, Christa Sakamaki. I am the wife of Karl Heinz. Now that I can you answer my questions? Do you know Subaru?" Christa asked.

Both names resonated in (Y/N)'s mind. "Karl Heinz... Subaru...? Subaru sounds familiar, but I can't put my tongue on it. I'm afraid I don't recall either," admitted (Y/N). "What do they look like?"

     "Oh dear..." Christ whispered under her breath. She put a hand on (Y/N)'s forehead. What could he have done? I smell my Subaru all over her... I can sense him. Yet, she does not remember...."Did you hurt yourself in any way?"

    "I don't remember."

    Christa looked at the girl for a moment, and then asked, "what's your name?"


    "Well, (Y/N), that's a beautiful name. I wonder where it came from. Is it Italian?"

    "(Insert nationality."

    "Ah, interesting! Well, at least you can remember that much. If you didn't, that would be a problem," Christa smiled. She was nice to (Y/N) even though (Y/N) was being a tad difficult. Christa reaches for a pot next to the bed that (Y/N) was laying in. Christa handed (Y/N) a rose. "For you."

    Christa grabbed a pen and a piece of papyrus paper, and began writing a letter addressed to an unknown man. She smiled as she wrote. (Y/N) noticed that the rose was covered in something slimy and green, as it was handed to her.

    "Oh, for me? Thank you," (Y/N) thanked Christa for the rose. As (Y/N) touched the rose, she pricked her finger. It burst into a flame. Her hand become a rotten black, her fingers were no longer the color of flesh, but the color of the night sky. She screamed.

(Y/N)'s POV:

     Wait... what's happening? It hurts. It burns! The rose was burning in (Y/N)'s hand. She dropped in onto the bedsheets, where it went out. Only a wilted, broken rose was left. There was no trace of the original color.

    Red poured out of my mouth as I coughed. The wilted rose and the bedsheets were covered in my red liquor. Blood dripped from my chin, and dropped from my chest to my torso. It was everywhere.

    "My dear! Are you alright? What's wrong? Speak to me!" demanded Christa, who gently shook the shoulders of the dying me. The blood splattered onto Christa's hands.

    I could only let out a low-pitched moan. Christa looked at her blood stained hands. I was too weary to notice when she gave a note to one of her servings, to be delivered. My vision faded into black, almost as dark as my hand. The peripherals
of my vision went first, and then my main vision started to fade. I could hear muffled voices as I drifted into sleep.


So, I have an idea for a chapter. I am going to introduce concepts and characters that are solely from the game. Don't worry, the concepts and character I'm taking from the game won't spoil the game. I already took 2 concepts from the game that aren't in the anime, and most of you haven't even noticed.

Just a very minor game(/Drama CD's) spoiler warning for those who are willing to proceed. The concept comes from Carla's route, but Carla won't be in this fanfic. I just think it's cool.

You'll see.



I'll shut up now.

Okay, bye for real.

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