12 (real)

6 1 0

Y/N's P.O.V: 7: 56 pm
I grabbed my bag and left the house.

"So, why did you choose this job?" The leading man of our movie asked me. We are now friends. Im really happy i have a friend like Francis.

I laughed and stared at him. "Well,you know. I don't want to be a doctor anymore. And.." i tried to think what to say next. He laughed and said "great,so a few more scenes and the shooting will end."

And an awkward moment.


we heard the director shouting. Everyone moved so fast and a makeup artist was putting some concealer on my face.

I stared at Francis beside me. I accidentally blushed because he was staring at me too. Francis is the leading man of this movie.

Timeskip brought to you by: Yoongi's Insfires.

Today is the first day. We showed the trailer a few weeks ago. And some people liked it. I'm really happy. The movie will be released today so I'm nervous.

"Nervous?" Francis chuckled and i smiled. "A liiiittle bit." I replied and laughed. "Don't worry, it will be a hit" he smiled and his smile made me smile too. I don't know why.

When we walked in the cinema, the fans started to scream. Francis is really famous. And some girls were staring at me. That's creepy.

1 hour later..

The movie is gonna start in 3 mins. I tried to find my seat "Y/N, i found your seat." I looked back and i saw Francis. I smiled and went to the seat that he said.

"Thank you."

Timeskip, 1 week later...

"So, Miss Y/N. Can you say something? What made you act like that? Your acting skills are very nice."

I laughed and i could tell that i was sweating. "When i act, i always remember to do my best and i try to imagine sad things if i needto cry in a scene." They all clapped.

"Stay tuned for more! We'll be back! See you! The Channel HVC is gonna be back after a short commercial! See you!"

I exhaled after hearing that. I went outside to look for Francis. He asked me if i want to come with him. He asked me yesterday if i want to come with him cause he's gonna have a party on a island.

I opened the door and i saw..

"Why are you here...

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