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Y/N'S P.O.V:

"S-STOP! MIN YOON GI!" I tried to wiggle hoping he would let me go or i could escape.

"God, i miss you Y/N.." he whispered and kissed me.

His lips..

His breath..

His face..

I miss this..i miss him. Wait, no this is bad. I pulled away from the kiss and pulled out. I was lucky i did.

I quickly grabbed my bag and went outside and i tried to run hoping Min Yoon Gi can't find or catch me.

I went to the parking lot and looked for my keys in front of the car. Shit..where is it. I bit my lip

I looked around and saw Yoongi in the elevator. Looks like he found me. Shit. I tried to find my keys faster

Shit he's getting closer. YES! I FOUND MY KEY!

Third person's P.O.V:

Y/N was about to open the car's door but Yoongi grabbed her hand and pinned it in the car.

"Y/N.  Y/N look at me!"

Min yoon gi yelled in the middle of the parking lot. Y/N began to cry and she was sobbing.

"Shut up Min Yoon Gi!!you don't know how hard it is to let go, you don't know how HARD IT IS TO FORGIVE AND FORGET! STOP THIS SHIT ALREADY!"

Y/N yelled at him which made yoongi weak.  "I-i'm sorry Y/N..please forgive me. I am really regretting." Yoongi begged her.

"Please yoongi. Let me be." Y/N tried to let go and her hands were hurting. "Please stop. My hands hurt." Y/N begged him and yoongi looked at her crying and with teary eyes.

"Do you know how damn it is to wake up not seeing you? So you know how much i missed you?" Yoongi said quietly trying to stop himself from crying.

Yoongi slammed his hands in the Car's  window. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?!?!IS IT WRONG TO LOVE YOU?!" He yelled which made Y/N scream because she's scared.

Y/N pushed him and opened the car's door and drove. While suga tried to catch her.

Meanwhile there was Min Yoon Gi who was kneeling in the middle of the parking lot and crying.

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