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Y/N's P.O.V:
What the...

"Y/N...i missed you"
Yoongi tried to approach me and hug me. But i pushed him and he fell.

"Stop it Min Yoon Gi. Why are so obsessed with me. You cheated in the first place. So stop acting like a shit. Coming back to me after she left you."

I stared at him with a death glare. I just stood here. Im wearing a gown on my first movie premiere.

Yoongi's P.O.V:
i felt weak when she gave me a death glare. I tried to stop myself from crying. But i really can't stop it. Tears started to fall.

"Please listen to me Y/N. I was drunk. She raped me. And...and i didn't want to mrry her. It was my dad's decision."

"Stop denying it. F*ck it. You know what yoongi? I moved on. So stop loving me. This is shit. Goodbye. Don't ruin my life again."

She left me and i sat on my car and cried.
I kicked my car. This is bullsh*t.

Y/N's P.O.V:
Tears started to fall and i know that i was crying. I tried to run away from the mall. I don't want to let him see that im crying.

I don't know where to go so i just trusted my legs and feet.

I bumped on someone. My vision was blurry. I looked up and saw Francis in front of me.

"Gosh, Y/N are you okay? Why are you crying?" He immediately asked me. He looks worried.

"Y-yeah...hehe sorry for that. It was just tears of joy." I wiped the tears off. I smiled and he gave me a 'you sure?' Look.

I nodded and he hugged me. "I tried to look for you. I was worried because you aren't inside the cinema" i was suprised when he hugged me. I felt my heart beat faster.

Is this.....
Did i move on?
Is this...love...again?

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