Chapter 6- Valerice

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        Valerice ran with the boy thrown over her shoulders. Andrero ran behind her with two of the guards, one had fallen to an arrow that was meant for Andrero. The prince had managed to get a sword, and know hewed down every man in his path. They broke out of the cave and Valerice put two fingers to her mouth and blew a long, sharp, high whistle. Andrero did the same.

        Two strong stallions, one chestnut and one palomino, galloped around the side of the mountain that the cave was set in. The horses pulled up before them and Andrero mounted his bare-backed palomino with the ease of one well practiced. Valerice heaved the boy over the back of her chestnut mare, and climbed on easily.

        "Retreat as soon as you are able. I do not wish to lose men." Valerice spoke to the general of the army, one of the men who had guarded Andrero in the cave, while the other kept watch.

        "Yes, m'lady." The general bowed quickly and then turned to give orders. Valerice dug her heels into her horse's side and set off at a gallop with the prince beside her, and the unconscious boy sprawled across the back of her strong horse.

        They rode for hours, never stopping for more than a moment to decide the best course. The boy hadn't stirred, and Valerice began to worry. It was dark when she was finally able to see the torches glowing around the palace. She slowed her horse to an easy trot and rode down the hill to the gates where the guards let them in immediately.

        Valerice dismounted and lifted the boy once more while a stable boy took the horses. She was exhausted and so was Andrero, but she knew that she would not sleep this night. She saw that the boy was taken to the medicine ward, and gave orders that she should be notified when he woke. She then escorted the bedraggled prince to the throne room where the king waited for their arrival.

        When he saw Andrero the king looked at him with eyes as cold as the iron spear tips that hung on the wall. His steely eyes raked over Prince Andrero. If the prince had expected a warm welcome, he was about to be sorely surprised. The king's eyes flitted over to Valerice, and she saw them soften, if only slightly.

        "You are hurt," he said to her. He flicked his hand, and a servant walked out of the shadows. "Fetch a physician for these two."

        "Sire, my injuries are minimal. They hardly warrant the need of a physician," Valerice said as the servant walked out through a small door behind throne the dais.

        "That they may be, but you would not be injured had your brother not been so foolish as to wander into enemy lands alone."

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