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Jess's POV: I live in London and me and my mom are getting ready to leave for Australia. She got a new job so we have to move to Australia for her training. I'm leaving a month before school starts so at least I will meet some people before school so I will have friends, I hope. It's 3am and my flight is at 5 so we are leaving for the airport, in the car I'm listening to music to keep me awake. When we get there we get Starbucks to keep us awake and I text my best friend Taylor that I'm at the airport waiting for my plane and that I miss her already.

When the attendant calls "flight 182 please board your plane" we board our plane and we both fall asleep and we wake up just in time when they call on the speaker "flight 182 to Sydney Australia". We get off the plane and wow its hot here. Then we go to the house we have picked and unpack. After I've finished unpacking I decided to listen to music and text people about the flight and everything. Then I decide to take a shower since I haven't gotten one today. So then I changed into a windbreaker and leggings much more comfortable and put on minimal make up.

My mom went shopping so I was home alone and was on the couch and decided to watch some tv. My mom came in and started making lunch so we ate, I went to go walk around to get used to this neighborhood. Then I ran into this girl named Olivia she seemed nice and she was. She had brown hair and greenish eyes. We walked for like an hour just talking and we exchanged numbers and I went over to her house for a couple hours and she didn't live that far away she was 4 houses down. Her mom was really nice and her name was July. When I got back my mom was sleeping so I listened to music again in my room. So I had my own little rave and was going mental using my hair brush as a microphone. Then after my rave I face timed Taylor and the ringing started and her face came up and we were talking for about 1 hour when her little brother came in and started talking and he said he was missing me. I don't know why but children love me. But finally Taylor got it back and her boyfriend came up and just said "hey" yeah nothing special.

I never had a boyfriend so I was a little jealous of her because they are so perfect but I was more happy for her. She's so happy with him. After we ended it I watched a movie, I fell asleep while watching it so I guess my mom came and turned it off. I woke up again because I wasn't comfortable so I put on a baggy t-shirt and some sweatpants and took off my make up and fell back asleep. I couldn't I guess it was that I never moved before so I wasn't used to it, but eventually I fell asleep around 1:00am.

Then the next day I went for a walk in the morning wearing minimal make up and I met this guy who seemed about my age and he was sort of cute. He was waaay to good for me so I had no chance. His name was Jake. But we decided to go to Starbucks and I got a vanilla bean frappe and we had a little argument who was going to pay for the drinks. He won though so after we went and sat down we exchanged numbers and learned more about each other. He was a swimmer. We hung out for the next few days. It feels like I've known him forever. He was best friend so far.

Calum is coming up. Please comment and vote, this is my first fanfic  so hope you like it. Sorry it was short the chapters will be longer.❇

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2014 ⏰

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