chapter 1

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I was in my bed sleeping when I heard my alarm clock going off I groaned then got up n turned it off ..I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a bath it was only 8:30. I didn't have school today seeing that today was Saturday so I brushed my teeth and took a 20 minutes shower then got up and rap my towel around my body and went into my room I went into my closet n took out a grey crop top with a grey tights and I put on some sneakers I didn't even bother to put on any makeup since I was jus going for a run ..I was about to go down the stairs when I heard my mom yelled' Amanda breakfast is ready' I shouted, ' I'm coming mom ' . I went down the stairs and went straight into the kitchen ...As I sat down on the counter looking at my mom the smell of bacon n eggs hit my nose ...I said 'hmm' knowing that it was a tasty smell .. She handed me a plate I got off the counter and went to sit on a chair around the table and began eating. When I was finished I placed my plate into the sink and told my mom I was going for a run. She then told me she was going to work but she also told me that we were going to have new neighbor's moving in today . I just said OK while going out the door. I stop at the porch n plugged in my earphone and put it in my ears I then went into music n selected a Selena Gomez song ' hands to myself'. As I began to run ....

So this is the end of my first chapter please vote for it if you like this story I know the first chapter wasn't as interesting as you would like but trust me it will get better

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