chapter 9

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I woke up to the sound of the stupid alarm clock going off, I looked at the time to see that it was 6:30 in the morning, I sighed getting out of bed and walked over to the bathroom.

I took a 20 minutes shower and wash my hair I got out the bath an wrapped myself in a towel and went over to the sink to brush me teeth.

After brushing my teeth I walked out the bathroom to my room where my outfit was laying on the chair, I went into one of my drawers and took out my under garments and quickly put them on followed by my clothes. I went back into the bathroom to blow dry my hair  and straighten it. After I had done all of that I applied a little makeup, before heading back to my room and took up my bag and phone. I checked the time to see that it was 7:18am and school begins at 8. I sighed putting my phone into my pocket when I got a messages from Sawyer.

I opened the text to read

Sawyer: gm beautiful I'm gonna be over there in about 10 minutes be ready!

I rolled my eyes replying to the message, ok idiot.
Sawyer: touchy!
Me: boy bye!
Sawyer: you Know you want this baby
Me: byeeeee!
Sawyer: ok ok bye

I pushed my phone into my pocket before heading downstairs to the kitchen seeing my mom at the table sipping on her coffee while reading a magazine. Good morning mom! Good morning sweetheart how'd you sleep last ? Like a baby I replied while grabbing a Apple from the basket on the counter.

That's all your gonna ea- I grabbed two bacons and stuffed it in my mouth before she got to finish that sentence then I went to the refrigerator and took out the orange juice before puring some into a glass and head to the door.bye mom I yelled before opening the door to see Sawyer standing their looking like a hotty in is ripped jeans and Tommy Hilfiger shirt along with a Nike shoes. I raked my eyes over his perfectly sculpted body ."See something you like sugar?" He asked I scoffed hell no! He rolled his eyes before  stretching over to see my mom sitting around the table in the kitchen in the left corner of the house.

"Hi  Mrs Heaven!"He shouted from outside,"hey sweetheart how are you?" She asked "well I'm fine of course Mrs Heaven, what about you?" I'm great as ways. I rolled my eyes getting annoyed by their long conversation and also my legs began to hurt. " Well that's good, but I must be on my way now because someone's getting angry ",he said looking at me I frowned. "Plus we can't be late on our first day", he added. Ok be on your way now and you two be good to each other now mom said coming over to us hugging both Sawyer and I. We said our good byes then went over to the car.

We got in and drove off...The ride to school was pretty silent but not in a bad way both of us were lost in our own thoughts.

So this is the end of chapter 9, I hope you like it if so please vote and comment,and tell me about the things I can do to improve my story. thank you!

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