The Third Task

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I returned to Level 9 safely; nothing major happened to stall me. I put the gears in the dropbox and immediately heard Alice begin speaking. "Have you seen them? The swollen ones! They're just stuffed full of extra thick ink! It makes me sick! And yet... it's the perfect thing for keeping myself together. If you're going to catch them, you're going to have to learn how to move quietly. Come back to my door. I have something that you'll need." I walked over and picked up the syringe, putting the wrench in its place as usual. I sighed and headed out to look for the "swollen ones," which I could only assume were the bigger ink creatures that vanished when I got close. I walkeed around for a while, curious about what the angel would've done if I hadn't come along. Then again, maybe my coming had actually awakened the ink creatures residing here. I shuddered at that thought, not wanting to entertain it any longer. After a while, I found one. I remembered Alice's words: "move quietly." I crept up to it, raised the syringe, and it vanished. I dropped the syringe to my side. I was silent! Why did it disappear? I saw another one appear and decided to try a new tactic. I crept up behind this one and stabbed it with the syringe, taking a bit of extra thick ink from the creature. I glanced at the syringe. It looked like I'd only need about four "swollen ones" to fill up the syringe. I walked around for a bit until another one appeared. I snuck up behind this one as well and was successful in getting some ink. Halfway full now. And after those two, I realized that you had to be behind the creatures so they wouldn't notice you. Another one popped behind me, its back to me. I turned and stabbed it, which brought the ink level to 3/4 of the way full. I decided to head back and look for one on the way. When I was almost back, I found one and stabbed it, filling the syringe completely. I heard Alice speaking. "How sickening! Makes my skin crawl. But the task is done. Bring me back my equipment, please." I continued heading back, hoping with everything I had that this would be the last task. At this point, I just wanted to leave.

Thank you for being so patient. I know it's taking a long time to get to the actual romance, but I promise it's coming soon! Probably sometime within the next 5 chapters... We'll have to wait and see...


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