Chapter 1

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• Morgan's POV •

" Last call for the flight 3470 for Los Angeles"

It's time. It's now or never. This is the moment that I've been waiting all my life. Yes, I've lived in Hawaii and I've done a lot with my life but since I came back home, I just got that feeling that I didn't belonged there.
   And of course, after the video that I helped Shane filming and him asking if I wouldn't like to go to L.A. with them, I just had that urge to go, to leave my house once again.

   So here I am, in the airport, ready to catch a flight that will probably change my whole life, for better I hope.
   I gave the boarding pass to the lady, she wished me a good flight and I entered the bridge to the plain. I got to my seat, which thanks to my sister/brother/Ryland, is next to a window that has the best view to take that typical Instagram picture. I got all cozy in my seat and decided to put some headphones and listen to music.

   I couldn't stop and think that in just 2:30 hours I would be in L.A., the city were, supposedly, dreams come true, with my brother, Shane and all his squad. I'm so freaking happy to go to a new city, to meet new people and make new friends, and to make some very good memories. And, even though it's not one of my priorities right now, I wish I could meet some cute guy that would just treat me like a princess and sweep my feet of.

   After the plane stabilized, I decided to take my computer off my bag and try to edit some videos that I still made at home. But of course, as lazy as I am, I ended up just watching some series' episodes that I had. I'm really sorry for the lady that was next to me because of all the crying that I had when I rewatched the ending of Pretty Little Liars, or the big laughs that I had when I watched one of my favorite episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

   The plane started to landing and I could feel that weird sensation that you have on your ears, like they are going to pop off any time soon. I even put som gum in my mouth to try and make the situation a little bit better, but not even that could help that awful sensation. The result of that was me not earring nothing from my left ear besides a little annoying buzzer. I grabbed all my suitcases and went to the arrivals. You could see children receiving their parents, crying because they'd been working, parents receiving their children that came to do a visit from college or even boyfriends receiving their girlfriends and vice versa.
For a second I just wished I had someone like that, a boyfriend that would be there, waiting for me with his arms open, and a bag of M&M's in one hand a box of chocolates in the other.

At Shane's house

I still can't believe it. I just hung out with FREAKING JOSH PECK. Yes, you're reading it right. Shane freaking surprised me, and when he and my brother went to pick me up at the airport they brought Josh Peck (Believe it when I say I still can't believe it). I was so embarrassed because I looked like a freaking raccoon, but he was so nice, nicer that I could ever imagine.

Now I'm at Shane's and Ryland's house, since I still don't have a place to live (and I don't think I will for a while). I'll sleep in the guest room in a air mattress, that actually is way more comfortable than what I first though.

I've never felt so good and welcomed. When we got to the house, Garrett and Shane's new camera man, Andrew, were waiting for us with a cake, balloons and a little banner that said "welcome new baby" even though they crossed the baby out and wrote under "roommate/friend".

"Heyyy Morgan. Now you're officially part of our squad. And just to let you know, I left a few snacks on your bedroom" said Garrett receiving me at the door with a giving me that look like "bitch you'll love it".

"Welcome to L.A. Morgan. I'm sure you'll have a great time here, specially with these guys" Andrew told me while he hugged me. He seemed to be a really nice guy. When we went to the Queen Mary we didn't got the chance to get to know each other but he seemed to be such a simple and funny person. I was so excited too meet them even better.

We spent, at least, one hour talking and eating about just random stuff like what if a meteorite fell right now I'm the house and much more stuff that made no sense to anyone but us. Since I was kinda tired from my flight, I decided to go to my new room, unpack some stuff and get prepared to go to sleep, even though it was like 6 in the afternoon. But that was unsuccessful, partly because of my overexcitement about being here, so I decided to turn my computer on and watch some Netflix.

I was watching a movies while I felt my phone buzzing under my ass.

"Hey. I just wanted to wish you a good night and once again wish you an amazing time here with the squad. If you need anything just send a message or call... whatever you prefer. And please don't think this is creepy. Your brother gave me your number. Btw it's Andrew"

I read the message with a smile on my face. For the first time, in a very long time, I've felt like I was fitting in, that I was truly happy. I couldn't ask for anything more. I was surrounded by amazing friends. And with that I fell asleep.

I really hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I apologize if there are some grammar or spelling mistakes but my first language isn't English so I'm trying my best. Please vote and leave a comment with your opinion ( even if you think it's cringy.

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