Chapter 6

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• Andrew's POV •

   "You're such a great friend, Andrew..." that word... that word completely threw me off. I knew that my chances with being with a girl like Morgan were one in a million but being hit with the reality that she only sees me as friend made me feel like a fool.

I still tried to keep my fake smile, but I was thinking way to much about everything to be capable to do that. Not very soon after, everyone appeared in the room bringing breakfast.

I was still thinking about what had just happened. That phrase was still echoing in my mind over and over again, just to remind me that the girl that I liked just looked at me like a friend. Since I was deeply in my thoughts, while everyone was laughing during breakfast, I was just there, pretending I was listening.

   Since Morgan was feeling better we got out of the hotel to explore the city. Everyone was having an amazing time, laughing at each others jokes, but I just wasn't there. How could I be.

After a long morning and afternoon, we came back to the hotel so we could get prepared to do some ghost hunting. Everyone changed clothes and prepared their backpacks. The lady from the reception explained to Shane where they think the most "ghost activity" happens. And of course Shane decided to go see it. The lady pointed out that most activity happened in the basement, so Shane decided it was a good idea to visit the basement.

As we were leaving one of the closets, the door just closed in our faces. Shane, Ryland and Garret were already out, leaving me and Morgan closed.

We tried to open it, but it was a waste of time, since the door locked itself.

"Guys, we will find someone to open that door. Just sit there and wait little bit" Shane said screaming from the other side of the door.

"Please guys hurry up" Morgan yelled at the door. It felt like she was not very fond of the situation.

I sat down in a corner just looking into the empty like I was deeply in thought, when in reality I was just not thinking.

"Andrew... Andrew... ANDREW!" Morgan called me, poking me, trying to break my trance.

"Sorry, I zoned out. Is everything good?"

"I should be the one asking that. Since our conversation this morning you've been so quiet, not talking or laughing at anything" Morgan asked me looking concerned.

"Don't worry about me, I'm just really tired. Are you sure you're okay? You are starting to look very scared"

"I'm just not very fond of little spaces" Morgan told me looking deeply into my eyes "Normally I would just grab some stuffed animals or pillow, to calm myself down, but I don't have none of those here, so..."

As she says this I grab her by the hand, signaling her, to sit next to me.
"Just because you don't have a pillow or something like it doesn't mean that you can't grab something to relieve the stress"

As I'm finishing my sentence, Morgan sits in my legs and hugs me like a koala. She looked so adorable. I started playing with her hair, making her even more relaxed than before. If we could just stay like this for eternity.

"So, is this making you feel better?" I asked her. "Yes very much, thank you Andrew... Can I ask you something?!" She said looking straight into my eyes.

    "Yes, whatever you need" I told her. "You know the talk we had this morning?" I nodded "I noticed that, after our talk, you looked disappointed at something and you just became more silent than you usually are... Did I say something that hurt you?"

   You don't even know how much ... but how could I tell her that the fact that she only saw me as friend killed me inside... I just couldn't.

   "Of course not Morgan, I was just very tired from all that happened yesterday, no needs to worry" I told her looking at her killing blue eyes.

   Suddenly we started hearing something moving outside. "Shane?...Ryland? ...Garret?" Morgan yelled at the door. Since nobody answered but the noises didn't stopped, Morgan became even more scared, tightening our hug.

   "Hey Morgan, look into my eyes, I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to you, okay?" I told her looking at her. Seeing her so scared was hurting like a bitch, especially because even I was worried with all this situation, even though I was trying to pass a confident image to her , just to avoid that she panicked even more.

   Our glances were fixed on each other and we just couldn't look away. "Are you sure that noting bad will happen?" She asked, making me put one hand in the side of her face "I promise you Morgan". Our faces were getting more close was our gaze was getting more and more deep. I could see all the details of her face, the gorgeous blue of her eyes, everything. And it only helped me prove what I already knew it was true, I like so freaking much Morgan Andrews.

   We were getting closer and closer by the second. It was like there was nobody else but us two. And for moments I really taught that this would be our first kiss.

   But then the door opens...

Hey guys. I wanna apologize for the long time this chapter took to came out but I've been in vacation in places without internet or even connection, making really hard to write. Hope you like this chapter, and see you in the next one.

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