Donna 07

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"Do they know about Sophie?" Rosie asked running after me that felt deep down surprised to have taken all these stairs at once.
"What are they, psychic?" I asked foolishly.  "No! I've never told a soul."
"Oh, Donna, keeping it to yourself all these years." Tanya made it in the room with us.

"It doesn't matter about me." I replied starting to close the windows. "The only thing that matters is that Sophie never finds out."
"Well, maybe she would be cool with it."
" 'Cool with it'?" I close the last window that eventually just went open again. I turn around to my friends again taking a deep breath. "You don't know my daughter. This would be like a bombshell."

"Donna, they've gone!" Rosie said putting her hands on her hips.

"I don't know that okay and neither does anyone here in this room." I said angrily and throw my hands up in the air. "I don't know where they are. I don't know why they're here. And I have brought this all on myself because I was a stupid, reckless little slut!"
I throw myself down in my bed looking up at the ceiling in anger. I'm angry at myself, Sam and everyone.

"After all these years, what are they even doing here? All those stupid excuses they gave me. It's pathetic!" I shout and jump up from my bed.
"Whoa! Don't you sound like your mother?" I give the girls an odd look that was laughing at me.
"I know." I grab my head and took a seat in front of my dressing table.

"t's Catholic guilt! You've been living like a nun." Rosie laughed at me as I blow my hair away.
"Yeah, whatever happened to our Donna? Life and soul of the party, el rock chick supremo?" Tanya, Tanya, Tanya. Well, they're right.
"Yeah, come on."
"I guess I grew up, okay?" I nod my head up and down and turn around looking at them. I'm not going to get so easily out of this one, am I?
"Well then grow back down again. Screw them if they can't take a joke!" The girls shout and pick me up carrying me to my bed. They throw me down and started tickling me. I scream of laughter and stood up on my knees using the blanket as a cover.

"Okay, okay." I stopped them. They laugh and sit down with me. "You're right. You know, maybe Sophie will be okay with it. Although I'm not going to tell her. She's gonna have to find out somewhere else. Just not from me."
"What about the men?" Tanya asked grabbing my hand.
"Well, I'm gonna ask them what they're doing here. Especially Sam." I look down at my hand then back at the two worried women with tears in my eyes. "What if he's here for Sophie's wedding? What if they're all here for Sophie's wedding? Is it karma?"

"But they don't...Donna, you said that they don't know about Sophie." Rosie barked at me. I stood up and headed towards the balcony.
"I know. Maybe someone had a hand in it, you know? Maybe somebody told him about Sophie and...who know, maybe someone invited all three of them."
"Karma is the ultimate bitch. But Donna, this isn't karma. This is..." I look behind me at the girls. Please don't say it. Please don't... " Maybe he still loves you."

"Maybe he doesn't. Maybe he just want to break my heart again like he did twenty one years ago. Maybe he's just bored at home and return to screw up my life again. He's playing me like a guitar and when my strings break, not him or anybody else besides me are going to try fix what's remaining. It's only going to be me and my broken heart." I cried and grab my head frustrated. "I did alright on my own! I did perfect by myself! Why am I still in love with him!"
"Uhmmm...Donna are we talking about all three of them or only Sam?" Tanya asked me curiously.
"Sam." I gave a heavy sighed and look out again. At the docks far ahead I saw them helping a blonde haired girl up to their boat. It's...It's Sophie!
What if she knows? What if she wouldn't have.

"Honey, why don't you take a little nap? When you're done you'll feel much better." I heard Rosie. She's right. A nap would be perrrrrfect because nothing else will be.

Donna (Mamma Mia)Where stories live. Discover now