Poem by: quotev.com/vampireluvr97 Great Job :D
the Slenderman Poem
Some never believe the stories,
The stories of the thing they call the Slenderman..
I never trusted the stories anyone told,
Yet everyone I knew feared it.
even the superstitions they knew.
I shrugged at the thought,
And began to walk down my dead end.
As night grew closer,
the nightmare began again,
As if I was repeating a film.
It was wintertime I believe.
I was walking at night,
Stepping through the snow,
Crunching with every step.
I turn ever so often,
Hoping that it wasn't behind me.
I couldn't see him,
But I could hear him laughing.
The breeze blowing through his clothes,
His breath behind my ears.
Before I knew he was even there,
With a chilling, screeching voice,
It spoke with it's faceless grin,
"Time's up."
Then I drew my last breath,
Said my goodbyes.
I cried as I fell asleep,
Grasped tightly in his grasp.
I never awoke after that
After all, it was a dream.
Wasn't it?
Slenderman Tales (Some my own, from a website, and from fans)
ParanormalHe know's where you are. He can hear you, smell your fear and sweat, sense your every move. Stop. Don't breathe. Don't think. He might hear you. These stories are from my quotev account.