Fan Poem #3

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Poem by:  Great Job :D

the Slenderman Poem

Some never believe the stories,

The stories of the thing they call the Slenderman..

I never trusted the stories anyone told, 

Yet everyone I knew feared it.

even the superstitions they knew.

I shrugged at the thought,

And began to walk down my dead end.

As night grew closer,

the nightmare began again,

As if I was repeating a film.

It was wintertime I believe.

I was walking at night,

Stepping through the snow,

Crunching with every step.

I turn ever so often,

Hoping that it wasn't behind me.

I couldn't see him,

But I could hear him laughing.

The breeze blowing through his clothes,

His breath behind my ears.

Before I knew he was even there,

With a chilling, screeching voice,

It spoke with it's faceless grin,

"Time's up."

Then I drew my last breath,

Said my goodbyes.

I cried as I fell asleep,

Grasped tightly in his grasp.

I never awoke after that

After all, it was a dream.

Wasn't it?

Slenderman Tales (Some my own, from a website, and from fans)Where stories live. Discover now