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"Are you feeling well enough, darling?" Queen Vivian watched as her husband worked at his desk, a permanent frown wrinkling his face as he signed paper after paper.

"Well enough to meet our lawyer later today. I had my appointment with Doctor Turner this morning, he said as long as I keep my stress level to the minimum..." He sighed, halting his pen. "But how can I not get worried with such a case threatening our family?"

Vivian gave him a sad smile, reaching for his hand over the pile of documents scattered over his desk and holding it warmly. "We'll manage, darling. This woman has no case."

"I'm not worried much about this fool." King Arthur scoffed, knowing that her past actions would undermine any chance she had of keeping the child. Except for the risk of the story getting out to the public, Judith was no threat to him. "My concern lies in the boy. What are we going to do with him?"

The Queen remained silent for a moment, eyes pensive as she lightly raised her shoulders. "We will do whatever Harry decides. We shall guide him, but regardless of what we might think will be best, Harry is the father and it will be his decision to either keep the child or not."

"Do you really think he would send him off to an orphanage?" King Arthur raised a brow and Vivian shook her head. "I know our son; he would rather shoot himself in the leg than leave his child to fend for himself. But then again, what would that mean for the family?" 

"Do you think Nathan even knows he has a father?" The King shook his head, brows low. Everything relied on the story not getting out, but now with the trial being held in a public court, it did complicate things for the Royal Family. And for Vivian, too many important details were missing, they had to investigate on Judith's life, her past, what she did with Nathan during her time in the royal prison...Something came to the Queen's mind and she looked up at her husband with a sudden light of hope.

"Darling, I know what we have to do."


Harry left the lawyer's office, head filled with information about how to act, what specific words to say and not to say, and lists of guidelines. It gave him a headache but he knew it was necessary. Plus, he got to pick up a few NDAs to be signed, at Louis' request. He felt his phone vibrate as he stepped into his car, asking the driver to head back to the castle while he answered. "Good morning, love." A sudden screech coming out of the device made him flinch back, brows furrowing in concern. "Mady? Are you alright?"

"Yes! Yes, sorry," He heard her laugh. "Rosalie wanted to say hi but then put the phone in her mouth." He chuckled with her, his heart warming up instantly. "You were already gone when I woke up, how are you? How was the meeting?"

"I'm fine, the meeting was...something, I got a lot to learn and think of for this trial. She gave me homework." He chuckled and he heard her try to shush Rosalie's cries.

"Homework?" Her questioning tone was soon followed by a sigh. "Oh, darling, what did we say about licking the floor!" Madison's exasperated voice made him laugh out loud, excitement bubbling up at the thought of going back home.

"Yes, homework. I have to recall everything I ever did from, like, 10 years ago." He continued and he could picture her grimace.

"You can't even remember what you had for dinner last night." She replied playfully and he snorted. "Oh well, I wish I could be more helpful. I wasn't part of your life back then."

"It's alright, love, I've got Louis to help me out. About him, I brought the NDAs."

"Great! He said we were going to make her sign as soon as you got back." He heard Rosalie's distant laugh and he couldn't help a smile from growing on his face.

Private Affair | Book 3 of the Selected SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now