Chapter 1

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Hello my name is Naniko Kuchiki of the infamous Kuchiki clan found in the Village Hidden in the Stars. Once a weathly villiage full of people and trades now left to rubble and ash because of me, because I had to be seen as a valubale assest for some evil people. I was taken by some snake looking creep and some kid with glasses and a cockatoo hair cut. But I'll get to that part of the story here shortly. I have a brother named Renji. He is my protector and did everything in his power to try and keep me safe and as far as I know he's dead because of me. Now I have no idea where I am and why I am with this tag wag group of kids who calls themselves ninjas. 

 Well let me tell you a bit about myself and my clan. We were the most powerful and most wealthy clan in the village. We are specialist in katana usage and have a special Kekki Genki but you must be of a pure bloodline to be able to awaken it. It allows your katana to release special jutsu and changes form. Only if you learn it's name. You will know when your time has come to learn its name. You must die for a short period of time before you can awaken it. You must wonder in the underworld and find the gurdians of you ansestors in order to learn the name of your katana from the pervious owner from another life. Whether you were mortally wounded in battle or become deathly sick and succumbing to your sicknesses. you must die. You'll freak out for a few minutes. Only because you have no idea what is going on but you will have this feeling to follow this spirit animal that is your guide to where you need to go. 

With what seems like the snap of someones fingers you awake from what seems like a long nap but what in reality is only a matter of minutes. You start to kinda freak out because you have just come back to life but you are also surrounded by family members and senseis awaiting your return. You now mysteriously have a tattoo on your left fore arm that only you can see. It is the name of your katana. You will begin very instense training in order to prepare your body to be able to handle this new power awaken within you. 

I'm pretty sure your still wondering how I managed to get kidnapped and well be stuck in a place called, umm well I don't really know where I am. Well let me start the story of how that horrifying day began. I woke up early hoping to get some training in before our graduation exams for the academy. I tied my long auburn hair up in a high pony tail. Along with my bangs and few pieces falling down. I didn't care what i looked like while training. I only ever focused on the true goal. that was to finally be able to call apon my katanas name. I was wearing a chainmail long sleeve shirt with a black tube top underneath and a light tight jacket on over. I also had some black short shorts. I had on my black shoes. Well I went down stairs and grabbed some breakfast with my family. My father was asking me why I was dressed for training when I needed to be in my best dresses because I was graduating from training school and I was becoming a Jonin. This was a great honor because I was only 14. I stated to my father plainly that in order for me to continue feeling like i deserve the honor of being one of the youngest Jonin in our village i needed to train every morning just like everyone else. Me and my brother were finally able to leave with our equipment to train. This consisted of our Katanas, Kunai, and some throwing stars. As well as some scrolls with some jutsu on the to train with. My brother was walking and talking and almost tripping over his feet like a normal boy would. He said he had heard of a better place for us to train. The Jonin training field. He told me I might as well get used to training on the new field and try to understand my new areas.

As we walked through the forest to get to the training fields Renji stops me and tells me to get down then he whispers to me "I feel like we shouldn't be here. Like something bad is here waiting for us. It feels evil." 

" Renji you probably since Mrs. Aki. You know she stays up all night protecting the village from intruders. She can be as evil as a snake. " I replied laughing at his remark as I hear rustling noises in the bushes. " And it was probably a bird or something in that bush that's making noise and is making you uneasy. You've always been scared of the dark Baka."

We finally made it to the training fields after a 3 miles hike which I will say is a good warm up for training if I do say so my self. We started of with just basic katana moves. Nothing major. We did that for a while. I kept begging Renji to let me fight him at his full strength but he told me no many of time before explaining exactly why.

"Sweet sister, you don't understand the power that hides in this steel yet. If I'm not careful I becoming engulfed and me and the sword become one and I could really hurt you. This is a warriors power, not something to just practice sparring with. I don't think I would ever forgive myself if I hurt you while using my Kekki Genki."

He sighs and tries to convince me that I will understand when I have learned the power that I have with my bloodline. I haven't found out my swords name yet. The only one in my age group but I am a prodigy they say. If I was really a prodigy I would have known my swords name by now and would have mastered it's power but I guess everybody is a late bloomer at somethings. Before we knew it we were sparring in hand to hand combat because I pissed Renji off due to the fact i kept telling him that he was full of shit and didn't know what his swords name was and that he was making all that shit up. He came at me with all he had physically but within 2 minutes I had him on the ground with his arm behinds his back and me sitting on his back.

"Are you done acting like a child and will you tell me the truth." I said with the biggest smirk on my face. 

"You do know that I'm not lying. You saw me in the hospital. You saw the stab marks in my chest. You know more than anyone that I am what I say I am. Plus you're heavy get off." He replied while he turned into a puff of smoke and the real Renji jumps down from a tree limb.

"If you really have been training you would've known that that was a clone. Why do you not take this seriously enough." He seemed disheartened to say that to me because he knows everything comes so easy to me and that I should understand what is going on. Before I could even speak Renji told me that something wasn't right and that someone was here. Then we heard what we thought to be an evil laugh. Then we see a tall grey figure walk out of the treeline and we can finally see who it is when he stands under a lamp. It's Orochimaru.

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