Chapter 9

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I want a modernized Satisfied ASAP like now.
I thought of a modern Satisfied before going to sleep and I cried.
Lmao this is the story now my friendo pals.

Alex's POV

I panic, wow, my crush likes me back! Either way we're going to DIE. I look back at John giving me a confused expression. I quickly walk back over to him. Be brave for one moment at least

"Hey John? I need to be right back, let anyone in." I say quickly.

"But wh-"

"This is a life or death situation!" I yell and race out the door, I run down the hallways to the front desk.

"There's a hurricane coming." I say, visibly shaking. She tenses up immediately, she rushes out of her seat and locks the doors and shuts the windows.

"Please, tell everyone to come downstairs, but don't tell them why. I need to lock the windows." She says quickly, I nod and make my way up the stairs.

I run in the halls of the hotel.

"HEY EVERYONE, WE NEED YOU GUYS TO STAY DOWNSTAIRS." I yell at the top of my lungs. People slowly get out of their rooms and groan. They go down the stairs. Mr. Washington walks out of his hotel room, he looks at me clearly annoyed.

"Care to explain why we need to get downstairs?" He asks.

"Can't explain. We need to move." I pull on his arm and he reluctantly makes his way down the stairs. Once we get to the bottom people are talking with each other in their respective friend groups.

I see The Squad look at me expectantly. I ignore their looks and go down to the main entrance. The floor is very wet. I look around for the nice lady. I spot her closing the last window.

I look through one of the closed windows. The water is already flooding a little, at least a foot. Destroyed houses are seen in the distance. I look over to once specific house. Catherine. The roof is clearly damaged and the windows are shattered.

I run back down the hall and into my room, I pick out a jacket and put on some rain boots. (Do people have those anymore?) I walk out.

People are chattering among the claps of thunder, most of either, 'I'm scared' or 'what's happening?' I shush the others.

"Would you like an explanation!" I yell over the pounds of thunder. Mumbles are heard of agreement. "We are currently in a hurricane, and we need everyone safe! I am going outside since I am familiar with this scenario."

"How would you know?" Herc asks louder than the others. "You can't go out there you aren't familiar with this town at all."

"I would hopefully be familiar with this town." I say. "I did live here."

Without another word, I quickly walk out of the doors and lock them behind me. The water pushes me back a couple of steps, I look back through the window to see Washington looking at me in anger. I make my way over to the small house, screams and cries are heard from a little voice.

I walk through the the rubble to the small house. I look at the door and quickly run in. Catherine looks horrified. The chunk of the roof fell down, leaving Anna crushed from it. Catherine screams louder.

"Mommy! Mom! I love you!" She yells, trying to get the wood off of her. I help lift it and succeed. Anna lies unconscious on the floor. I pick her up and carry her on my back.

"Catherine!" I yell. "Hold my hand!" She gladly accepts and we start trudging our way back to the hotel. Once we finally make it there, Catherine knocks on the door.

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