Chapter Eleven

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Stranger Things is my S H I T haha get it 11, Eleven
Okay I'll stop
Also, this pmv is literally the best thing ever.

Alex's POV

We've been in the bunker for about five hours and almost everyone is asleep. I look over to Anna as she remains unconscious. She opens her eyes quickly and sits up from the floor and looks around. I quickly walk over to her. She has bruises along her face.

"Hey Anna, Catherine is safe." I whisper to her. "We're in a bunker because of the hurricane. Are you feeling alright?"

"My head hurts a little, other than that I'm fine." She whispers back. "Thank you so much for keeping Catherine safe, it means the world to me."

"It's the least I could do." I reply. "We might be here for a while." She nods.

I go back over to my spot on the floor and sit down. I fall asleep.

~Timeskip bitch~

Peggy shakes me awake. I groan and slowly get up I stretch.

"What do you need?" I ask them, groggily.

"I'm hungry, Alex." She tells me. "Are we able to get food anywhere?"

"Peggy, seriously, we're in a hurricane." I tell her.

"Well, I just wanted to ask, since Laf and John already left." She mumbles and looks down.

"They WHAT?" I yell. I look around, yep they're gone. "I'm going to find them." I say quickly and grab my coat. I grab a first aid kit just in case.

I climb up the ladder and open the trapdoor, I crawl out and shut it behind me. It's still raining heavily, and everything is destroyed. The sky is grey. The wind pushed me backwards. The water is up to my waist. I trudge around the street.


I hear a faint screeching sound. I trudge over to where the noise is. The yelling gets louder. I turn the corner to find Laf digging in a pile of rubble with a tear stained face.


"We were looking around and I told him to go over here and part of the building fell." (Google translate ain't workin smh just pretend he has an accent for this chapter) he said. "It's my fault."

I quickly help him until I grab John's arm, I quickly pull him up. Laf carries him away from the damaged building. He puts him down on the ground. He has cuts all over his body, a bruised face, and torn up shirt.

I open the first aid kit and bandage his cuts. John coughs and slowly sits up. He winces. Laf hugs him quickly.

"I'm sorry, mon ami!" He says. John hugs back. Laf gets off of him.

"We should start heading back." I say. "John can you walk?"

"Of course I can." He says getting up, and falling down. "...not."

Laf picks him up. We start walking back to the bunker.

~we're at the bunker now.~

I climb into the bunker, as Laf and John follow behind. I close it behind us. The squad, and Mr. Washington look relieved. (Besides us three of course)

"Are you out of your goddamn mind? You could've died." Eliza yells.

"We're fine, well, maybe not John." I say to them. "He got some cuts."

I look over to Laf, his eyes are red and puffy from crying. I put the first aid kit on the floor. Laf sets John down onto the floor. I take out my phone and check the time. 5:38 am. Wow early.

I put my phone down and think. About nothing, about everything, just anything. Someone shakes me on my shoulder.

"Yes?" I ask.

"You okay, mom ami? You've been staring at the wall for a while." He asks.

"Oh I'm fine, Laf." I say reassure him.

"Also, I have a question. Are you and John dating? You guys seems closer lately." He asks. Damn it.

"I- uhh- no?" I say to him.

"YES WE ARE!" John yells from behind Laf. My face goes red. Laf looks at me smugly.

"John you're a traitor." I mumble.

"When, where, and how?" Laf asks, smiling widely, despite our 'situation'.

"Wel-" I was cut off by a loud creak of the trapdoor, I quickly got up. Everyone else went silent. The trapdoor creaks open slowly. Someone peered into the bunker. They glanced at me and their eyes widened. They climbed through.

"Never thought I'd see this place again." They say softly. I look at them questionably.

"Who are you?" I ask them. They look at me with mixed expressions.

"Wow, Alex. Rude." They say. "Can't remember your own brother."

My eyes widened as I processed what he had said. My breath hitched. I felt tears gather in my eyes. I quickly hugged him, despite him being wet. (Dirty minded fucks) He hugged back quickly.

We held onto each other for at least one minute until I had let go, stray tears rolling down my face. I could see Washington smile in the corner of my eyes. I wiped them quickly.

"What? When? How?" I asked.

"Woke up on a beach. And I found my way around back to here." He said, calmly. I noticed the locket around his neck. I smiled widely.

"I just can't believe that you're here right now." I say to him. I pinch myself just for good measure. It's real

He sits down on the floor against the wall I sit down next to him. Everyone continued their talking.

"So who's the lucky person?" He whispers. I point to John, who had his back turned.

"This one's mine." I whisper back, he smirks, I look back to John. He was looking at me the whole time. Shit. "Oh shit he saw me." I say to James.

John crawls over, since he can't walk. He looks at us with a questionable expression.

"Are you guys talking about me?" He asks.

"Of course we are, you're the best person ever." I say to him and kiss him on the cheek confidence 100.

John flushes red. James ruffles my hair. He looks like a proud dad. Maria runs over.

"BITCH MOVE PEGGY IS ABOUT TO BLOW UP." She yells and runs into a corner.

"SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE." Peggy screeches. I cover my ears.

"It's the true story of how the dinosaurs went extinct." Angelica says.
Lmao I get walked in on singing you're welcome and they just stare at you.

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