👑Tamaki Ending👑

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Congratulations, you have unlocked Tamaki's Ending.
Ending 1/6
Ending Name~ The princess who turned into a queen

It had been a few months since {Y/N} had gotten back, and Tamaki has grown closer to her. And by close I mean he will be by her side no matter where they are and no matter who's around, he would also open up to her about his grandmother and father and how he wished he could see his mother again.

{Y/N} would listen to every word he would say, she really, missed his voice. She missed all of their voices but there was something about his that she missed the most, she just couldn't quite put her finger on it. She would ask Haruhi about it but all she would do was a shrug and say 'Maybe you're just in love.' {Y/N} didn't believe that though. What is love?

To Tamaki love was being with someone you care deeply about and someone you would wanna spend the rest of your life with, through thick and thin. He often felt alone so he often wanted love. He first went after Haruhi but she didn't love him the way he wanted her to, but then {Y/N} came around and all his feelings changed.

To {Y/N} love was just a word, a word that meant you cared for someone but because she was famous she would get 'I love you's all the time. Those were her fans, yes but she felt as if they didn't truly love her, though she didn't hate it.

{Y/N} only felt love once and the boy she was with actually proposed to her, they were married for 2 months before the boy decided he wanted a divorce. {Y/N} being the kind girl she is said she supported him and his choices but deep inside she was hurting she was breaking slowly.

Being in love was hard, especially at a young age because you have to deal with heartbreaks and drama but hey, that's life, isn't it?

Tamaki paced around the host club, today was the last day of school and it was rumored that {Y/N} was gonna leave again. I know what you're thinking 'But didn't {Y/N} say she was staying for good?' She did and she doesn't know where these rumors were coming from but she ignored it.

As Tamaki paced around the door was pushed open showing a girl with messy {H/C} hair. "What happened to you?" Hikaru asked looking at {Y/N}. "I got attacked by wild fangirls and fanboys!! Damn, there are so many here too, I keep forgetting how many people go to this school!!" She yelled messing with her hair trying to get it back to the way it was (If you do not have hair you beautiful freaking person just ignore this 💜)

Tamaki smile and pulled her into a hug, "Princess!" "My dear prince." {Y/N} smiled,  this has been going on for the past few months and she had gotten used to it.  She never questioned it, no matter how much she wanted to.

The hosts had taken notice of Tamaki's strange behavior around {Y/N} and had planned something for tonight. "{Y/N}-chan! We are having a dance tonight here at the host club! Would you like to come?" Honey asked looking at {Y/N} with pleading eyes. "Of course! Why would I miss it?" She said chuckling lightly as she pats his head. Honey giggled and ran to his table.

Tamaki looked at Kyoya with a confused look "Dance?" He asked. Kyoya nodded and looked down at his book "And by the looks of it, it should be big since it's our last day at school," {Y/N}'s eyes lit up "C-can I um....sing at the dance?" She asked looking at Kyoya. "I don't see why not. It will attract more people which will make us more money"

Haruhi rolled her eyes "Still thinking about money, like always..." she mumbled. {Y/N} giggled at her sister's comment. {Y/N} couldn't wait till the dance, she was so excited.

Time past as the host club set up things for the dance. Honey helping {Y/N} with the cake, Tamaki and Haruhi setting up tables, the twins and Mori sweeping, and Kyoya cleaning the windows.

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