Chapter 16

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I am so happy that I am finally done with Middle school! Although I will admit they were some pretty good years, lots of memories and friends, so I will miss that. Anyway it's finally summer and I have 3 months that I use to write! I will say and I know some of you guys has said this is getting pretty sad which I really didn't want, and I know, it's good to give a story some sadness. But in my opinion, it's a fanFICTION, so I like them to be happy. So I'm gonna skip ahead a lot in this chapter, sorry to you guys who wanted to see some more. But tbh I'm not good at writing cases, and with Deeks in New York I'm not gonna be good with that. But the good news I did come up with a juicy way to bring him back in and I can get other things started with them. So enough of me and my issues, I hope you guys like it!!

*3 months later*

Kensi sat anxiously in the waiting room. Not knowing anything way killing her. Going in alone was dangerous and this is what she didn't want to happen, exactly this!

"Kensi." Sam called as he walked in with Callen close behind.

She stood and walk towards them.

"How's Deeks?" Sam asked, concern filling his voice.

Kensi shook her head,"I don't know no one had told me anything yet. All I know is that he got shot." She could feel the tears ready to pour out of her eyes, it took everything she had to stay strong and hold them back.

"Where are the twins?" Callen asked looking around.

"They're with my mother, I didn't want them to see him if he was in bad shape." She explained.

"How are you?" Sam asked placing a hand to her shoulder.

Kensi folded her arms and shook her head,"I don't know, I don't know I just want to see him." Her voice was shaky

"Deeks is strong, he's gonna be okay." Callen said trying to calm her.

"Mrs. Deeks?" She heard from behind. She spun around to come face to face with the doctor.


"You're husband is fine," he started. She let out a sigh of relief. "He was hit in the shoulder so it wasn't to serious. He got out of surgery a little while ago,but you can see him."

Kensi smiled and nodded,"thank you."

He pointed down the hall toward his room. She looked back at Callen and Sam. They nodded,

"We'll be here." Sam said

She smiled before walking to his room. She walked in to find him sitting up in bed, he was asleep. She sat down beside his bed.

15 minutes passed before he woke up. He opened his eyes slowly, squinting as they adjusted to the bright lights of the hospital room. He turned his head to see his wife sitting beside him. He couldn't help but smile. Her arm was on the bed, her head rested in her hand. He brought his hand up from his side and ran his fingers through her hair. She turned and smiled seeing him awake.

"Ya know you broke you're promise." She said softly.

"Which one?" He asked

"You said you'd come home to me safely." She said

"I am safe."

"You got shot Deeks." He saw the sadness in her eyes. He placed his hand over hers and gave it a light squeeze,

"Kens I got shot in the shoulder, I'm not in pain I'm fine." He explained

She sighed,"you scared me." She said quietly.

He returned a small smile. He brushed away a few strands if her dark waves,"you look beautiful."

She gave him a look,"acting cute's not gonna make me feel better."

"I missed you Fern." He smirked

As much as she tried, she couldn't hold back a smile. He chuckled,

"There's that smile." He whispered.

She gave in. She held his hand,

"How do you feel?"

"Well considering I was shot, I'd say pretty good." He said.

"Where are the kids?" He asked changing the subject.

"My mom has them." She answer,"they miss you."

He smiled as he thought of them,"I missed them too."

"Knock knock." Sam smirked as he and Callen walked in.

Deeks smiled.

"How are you?" Callen asked as he walked over.

He nodded,"good."

"You have some special visiters who wanted to see you." Sam smiled.

Deeks turned in the doorway. He grinned as the twins toddled in. Kensi picked up Aiden who came towards her, while Sam took Chloe and placed her arm on the bed. She crawled towards him and and smiled,

"Hi daddy." Her tiny voice made his face light up.

"Hey princess." He smoothed down her blonde curls.

"Daddy are you comin' home now?" Aiden asked.

"Yeah bud, I'm home now." He smiled. He was finally home.


Short chapter, I know. But he's home! Also i just wanna point out, becuase I didn't in the story, Kensi, her mom, and Sam and Callen all went to New York when they heard he'd been shot. Sorry, I probably should have mentioned that. But there it is just so you're not confused. I do wanna skip ahead to when the kids are older, I just think I'll have so much more to do with the kids and I can involve them a lot more. So let me know what you guys think! Also thank you guys so much for reading and following, and commenting so many amazing things they mean so much to me!! This was the first story I ever posted online and it's the longest one I have and it's really amazing to me with how much you guys like it!

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