Two Months Later...

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A couple months have now passed since Roy was stabbed. He has completely healed up and Aby made sure that he kept to the plan. Aby and Kristian had their own room and Aby was working as hard as ever at the hospital. There were nights where she would come in barely moving because she was so tired. Danny would drag her to her room and help her get to bed. Roy would help when Danny had gigs. Both men had become really close to Aby and Kristian. 

One night after a really bad shift at the hospital Aby came home soaked in blood, her eyes barely kept open, and she had no energy. That night Kristian had went to Dakota's house because Aby knew she was going to be working late and Kristian had asked to go. Roy was sitting on the couch waiting on her to come home. He heard her text saying she was on her way home from the hospital after working so many hours straight. Roy was worried about her working so hard. As she opened the door and walked in she almost passed out right there from pure exhaustion. Roy ran up to her sitting her bags off to their place before leading her to the couch.

"No Roy... I'm covered in blood and yuck. I need a shower."

"Why didn't you change there?"

"Because the douche canoes struck again and I didn't have a spare set of scrubs. So I went all of my shift today like this."

"Dammit why didn't you text me girl! I was here I could have ran you some!"

"I didn't want to bother you Roy besides you have been so kind to Kristian and I... You gave us a place to live and we feel like we belong here.."

"What does that have to do with bringing you clothes? Nothing! God dammit girl! I'll help you up so you can shower then get you something to eat."

"I can..."

"Aby shut the fuck up. I do what I want and you know that you stubborn headed girl."

"Okay Roy. You win.."

Roy looked shocked. Normally Aby would fight tooth and nail with him about doing anything to help her. She must be absolutely exhausted. He helped the exhausted woman to the bathroom as she stepped in she shut the door in his face he laughed shaking his head.

"Don't take my scrubs while I'm in the shower its one pair I still have left. I need those for work!"

"Bitch! We could go to get you new scrubs. Shit! You don't have to wear those."

"Roy!! Stop it you know I can't afford them! I'm not letting you pay for them either. I know you asshole. You think I've not noticed you sneaking the money back in my wallet that I give you for rent."

Roy smirked he wasn't going to let her pay rent. She had become family to him and Danny. He just wanted to help her save up so she could get herself a better vehicle. Her Mountaineer was breaking down every so often and she was having to fix it a lot. Roy smirked and walked to grab his phone looking around at car lots. He knew her birthday was coming up in a few months and she deserved it with how hard she works. She seemed to rival him as a workaholic. Roy knew soon he wouldn't be able to see his new "adopted" family when he got back on the road. He sighs scrolling on his phone as he gets a text. It's Danny checking in to make sure Aby's made it home safe. 

Danny- Hey there. She make it in ok? 

Roy- Yeah she did. I shipped her ass to the bathroom to take a shower. Thinking of going out while shes sleeping tomorrow and shopping for her some new scrubs. 

Danny- I'll come with you and maybe we can take Kristian out so she can rest.

Roy- That sounds like a plan to me! I'm sure Kristian would love to help us spoil her momma. God Danny.... Who would have thought us coming home from a show and getting attacked would have lead to this.

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