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"Y/n get up ." said my Mom as she turned on my room lights and left. I opened my eyes to see my blurry room but I could tell that its another day of hell waiting for me at school. I got out of bed and went to my bathroom and started a shower. When I got out I put on some clothes and a pair of glasses that helped me a bunch then I opened my room door then walked out.

I went downstairs to hear my dad reading a newspaper then put it down then back up at me then back down "Morning Y/n " said dad looking at me "Morning " I said back and looked over at my mom who packed my lunch and gave me a hug and a kiss I head out the door when I heard my dad looking at the newspaper again I took a sigh and went outside.

I walked to the bus stop and waited about 2 min before the bus arrived and I entered it then sat down and went on my phone while teenagers were either telling gossip or laughing. I just went on my phone and waited until we were at school.

When we arrived at school I turned my phone off and got off and went into the building and began to walk to my homeroom. I looked around and spotted my crush Dark and the rest of the Football players. I smiled slightly then fixed my glasses and continue to walk" Hay four-eyes " said a voice behind me I knew it was Anti making fun of me "Son of a bitch." I whispered to myself and tried to ignore him. I finally had enough and turned around to see that elf looking eye infected Anti. "Aww what's wrong did I fog up your glasses?" said Anti making fun of my glasses. I flipped him off then walking away. When I turned a corner was pushed back by Anti's hoes and they laughed as they walked by calling me names I just got up and fixed my glasses then walked into class.

Darkiplire's pov: I looked at Y/n as she walked into class and kinda felt bad for her. "Dark get over here," said Anti as he went into the classroom. "I'm coming you, glitch bitch," I said then walked I to the classroom to see all the cheerleaders hanging out and talking to there boyfriends while I just sat in the room and went on my phone "heya Dark," said Emily as she sat on my lap "hey," I said trying too hard to not push her off of me "are you doing anything later ?" I asked Emily as she started to grind on me " yes I have homework to do and my brother needs help." I said knowing that she wanted sex from me "oh" said Emily then got off if me "Anti hurry your ass up and let's get to class " I said and grabbed my backpack "fine " said Anti then kissed his girlfriend then walks-with me to our classroom.

In class, I sat in the middle row while Y/n was in the front 2 seats to the left and Mr. Luck walked in "Alright Shut the hell up and let me take a row." said Mr. Luck knowing that he was having a hangover. When he was done he began to teach and played videos on youtube and let us go on our phones when we were done with work.

Time skip

At the end of class, Mr. Luck pared us up with partners for a final project on something and I looked at the paper to see who my partner was and I knew fair and well that Anti and Pewdie were partners by there laughing and handshake. I rolled my eyes and looked at it reading down the list. I looked slightly to see what Y/n's reaction was and tried not to smile or lease Anti would annoy the shit about me and see who I was smiling at.

-Bob and wade

-Anti and Pewdie

-Tyler and dan

-Ethan and Amy

-Jack and Mark

I saw that I got her and smiled then looked at her to see her shacked expression and smiled as she packed up and left the classroom to go home. I Asked Mr.Luck about her phone number so that I could contact her and chat for a while. But then again she might think that I'm stalking her.

Y/n Pov: I walked out to the bus loot and got a notification from my phone by an unknown number. I unlocked my phone and looked at the text.

"Hay this is Y/n right ?"

"Yes, who am I speaking to ?"

"It's me Darkiplire so wanna work on the project at my house?"

"sure where are you and how did you get my phone number ?"

"Umm I got it from a friend of mine"

"How the hell did they get my phone number in the first place?"

"Don't ask ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"

"(¬_¬ ) Whatever where are you?"

When he told me where he was I began to walk there and looked around and saw him then smiled as I walked up to him "Hey you ready?" he asked I nodded my head "So your friend is a stalker huh?" I asked following him "Something like that but he is not like Killing Stalking type ." said Darkiplier "You know that Comic?" I said surprised. "Yha I even tried to Dye my hair like Sangwoo's but it ended terribly," he said and rubbed the back of his neck.

Darkiplire Pov: She was so cute when we began to talk about Sangwoo that I didn't realize that I get a text from wildfire. We entered my car and began to drive I unlocked my phone to see the text message.

"Hey bro whats up "

"Nothing much u?"

"Nothing I'm heading home with someone so don't hurt them like the other one's "

"Fine see ya home "

I turned my phone off to see Y/n and smiled "So do you think that if I helped you dye your hair you can to the sangwoo look?" she asked as she looked at my hair "I mean I already got a baseball bat." I said joining around making us both laugh.

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