Why are you here?

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(Warning : Language)

I saw Anti opening the door "Why are you here ?" said Anti looking pissed off "Um well stupid im here to see my brother "I said trying to be brave "Mom " I said looking in the house my mom came in looking at me and Anti then entice Dark beside me "Oh sweetie I see that you meet your brother " said Mom "What the fuck " I said so confused in my life .

Me an anti both looked at each other "You have got to be kidding me " said Anti looking at me "Hay shut the hell up " I said so pissed off in my life "Aw come n you two used to be best friends since you were little " said Mom then walked away "Yah before she became this blind freak " said Anti "HAY watch it " said Dark I looked down and was about to cry "Yah before she became a blind weirdo and took time from me to mom and did to worry about this freak " said Anti .Suddenly tears started to fall down and onto the side walk .

'ENOUGH ANTI " said Dark with his eye's glowing red and anti is just smiling at him

I had no other chose but to run away from them I ran from Dark and Anti fighting and ran right pass the street to were the house was small I could hear Dark calling my name and Anti to I blocked everything away from them and ran into the wood's te...

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I had no other chose but to run away from them I ran from Dark and Anti fighting and ran right pass the street to were the house was small I could hear Dark calling my name and Anti to I blocked everything away from them and ran into the wood's tear's were flying off my face and to the ground I sat on edge of a clef and wiped away the tears

I herd someone coming and jolted up it was Anti and Dark "Hay Y/n I just wanted to say that im sorry " said Anti looking down "Don't jump please " said Anti opening his arms for a hug I ran to him and we both hugged but we hatted each other still "Ok we go home now im hungry " said Anti and let go of me and started to walk away "Hay Y/n can I talk to you for a minute ?" said Dark rubbing his neck "Yah whats up ?" I said walking up to him .

Dark's Pov : "Well while you were gone me and Anti started to talk and when Anti tarted to look for you your Mom talked to me and she said after school I can take you to my house so that I can help you with your homework " I said looking at her smiling "Sure " said Y/n .As she walked away I started to think what happen to her and Anti when they were kid's .

When we got back to the house I said goodbye to the family and left when I got back to my house I was a little bit heart broken about what he said about her being blind I head to my bed and started to think about that question until I passed out

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