Chapter 1

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Warning: Extreme Mature content if you can't handle it please don't read.

Trahlyta P. O. V.
Today I finally graduate that hell hole of a highschool and find a place to live. My parents died a few months back, well they were murdered the reason is still unclear why. I'm sad that I can no longer hold them or hug them like a daughter would want to, but I can see them and talk to them as usual. They help with some things but not everything, to tell you how I know my parents were killed I'd have to start at the beginning.

Rewind to the day that my parents were brutally murdered.

Class was as boring as usual until my parents were beside me wailing loudly in my ear. I realized that no one else could see or hear them because no one moved to stop them. After that I asked my teacher could I be excused. I walked out the class after he said yeah and that I didn't have to come back till tomorrow. It was odd to say the least but I didn't let it hold me back to finding out how and why my parents are dead. I asked them the question that changed my life forever. Since I was already 18 the ghosts didn't need to keep anything from, but I wished they had. I asked my ma and pa how were they killed. They hesitated but decided I had to know what happened to keep it from happening to me.

My mother and father touched me and I saw how they were chained to a basement floor begging to be set free by their captor who only laughed at their cries. He pulled tools and weapons of different sorts. He had finally decided on the drill. He did everything meticulously to create suspense and to show how he loved to create havoc to show others how powerful he is. The captor started with my dad. He grabbed huge nails from his tool box and sat them beside the knees, feet, and hands of my father. After that he put holes into the floor, then he drilled holes into whatever body part the nails were beside. My pa screamed in so much pain that he passed out and my ma passed out from seeing to much blood from her beloved.

After he was done with my pa he went up some stairs and brought back a chairs and some barbed wire for my ma. She was still unconscious when he put her in the chair. He bound her with the barbed wire, but before he did that he shredded the clothes from her body. He went to a sink behind him and pulled out a bucket of ice cold water. He threw it on them both waiting with a sick grin for what he was about to do.

He told my pa if he could get himself free before he raped his wife he would make her death painless. He laughed sickly as my ma and pa struggled against their restraints causing more blood to flow from them. The captor took off his undergarments and stepped closer to my ma. My pa screamed at him to stop, and so did my ma. He pushed her legs as far apart as he could with her restraints. As soon as he did that he plunged himself hard into her with no remorse or kindness in his eyes. His eyes were pitch black as he kept going he looked to my pa wickedly, then he pulled out. The captor then told my pa that he was through with him. He grabbed a machete and started chopping off his limbs.

When my pa died he stared at my ma and said "Your Turn". My ma squirmed as much as she could, but it only caused he more pain. Their captor dropped the machete and picked up his drill. He put it to my ma's temple and started to drill. My ma died within seconds.
Vision Ends¤¤

I begin balling my eyes out from the pained they endured and because I no longer had parents to hold me together.  I ran outside to my black Z28 camaro and continued crying for some hours. I looked into my rear view and and notice my whole face was pain stricken and red. I decided to head home for a cold shower. My home was always full of love and compassion, but now I don't know what to do here anymore except  leave. I plan to leave once I graduate and get my parents insurance.

I still can't get over the fact that they're dead. Even though I see them and talk to them nothing will be the same from now on. I won't be able to introduce them to anyone I fall in love with nor children I have. Plus them staying around is dangerous, but they won't pass on until the thing that killed them is no longer around me. I went to the police about my parents, but they couldn't find anything on him except some hair fibers that didn't match any database.

So here I am in a town with little inhabitants tracking down the thing that killed them. I park outside the address checking my surroundings for anything to signify life. I look at the run down house as soon as the murderer walks out the door and to his car. He pulls out of the driveway, and I debate on following him or waiting for him. I decide to follow him just in case he doesn't return. He drive an inconspicuous black Audi to a little convenience store.

I park a block down the street to avoid suspicion. I pull out my submachine gun from the back seat. My family were apart of the military, but got honorably discharged, so they became arms dealers for mercenaries. He comes out of the store with a bag full of stuff. Then he drives back to his house. I drive a few houses down and park near the driveway. I wait for him to go inside and he does.

I decide to wait a few hours before I make my move. It's dark when I get out the car. The house is barely lit in the inside. I walk around the house trying to find a subtle entrance. There happens to be a cellar door but I figure that's a worse entrance than the front door considering what he does down there. I look for another way in and see a slightly open window on the second floor.

I scale the house and swiftly enter the house. I hear talking coming from below. I silently cross his floors to the stairs. The stairs don't look to sturdy so I blow on the stairs and they almost give way. I decide to go down the railing since its oddly the only stable way down. I see him sitting down watching tv.

Then he says "If you're here to kill me because of my transgressions you will need a more suitable weapon than that gun. Like this here dagger crafted in the pits of Hell for my soul's demise. He tosses it to me and I catch it, but I am caught off guard when he is already behind me.

Holding it to my neck he sniffs me and laughs sickly. "I remember your parents clearly as well as all the others I have killed. Your parents gave me the best thrill though I doubt their will be another like them." Enraged by his words I flipped him over my shoulder and shoved the blade up his ribcage. Relief came crashing over me as the life drained from his body.

I hope you guys like it so far. The next few chapters won't be this violent or graphic. I will not go into that much detail next time. Comment and vote plz.
Also when his name comes out, just go with it.

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