Chapter 3

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Azuriel P. O. V.

"How in the hell did that Human get here. I want answers now Latriel." I say seething with annoyance.
"Ye..yes ma'am, I will find out how." He said scared for his worthless life.

"You know what I'll ask her myself because I don't trust you to find a damn thing out." "Bu...but it's my job?!" I just smirked and walked away. She's been in there long enough, that I think she'll answer any and all my questions. I laugh menacingly.

I push the wall to her cell aside, it's the only way to enter or leave, no one ever escapes. I smile at the thought.
"Wake up human, I have questions that need to be answered!"She groans but doesn't move. I totally forgot how fragile humans are, she must be in so much pain. It's almost comical really and truly.

I keep my face stern as I walk over and undo her chains. She still doesn't move, so I guess I'll have to pick her up. If I pick her up nicely she'll be even more compliant. I take her to a spare room and tell Latriel to fix her bath and get her some food. By the way if she eats the food she's mine forever and if she dies she's still mine, I laugh again.

Where is Latriel and that food, I'll kill him if he isn't here in three seconds. 1.... 2.... 3.... He's dead meat. "Now you want to show up, Latriel, give me the damn food! Did you run her bath like I told you too?" He shakes his head no and that's all the incentive I need to decapitate him. His head falls nicely off his body ready for my hounds.

I do a loud whistle then Julius and Thaddeus came in and dragged his body and parts out of the room. My hounds are the only ones I can depend on to do what I tell them to do and when I tell them. I throw them a special treat as I walk passed the door they left from.

The girl is sleeping so soundly that I think she might have actually died. I hurried over there masking my feelings just in case someone walked in. I check her pulse swiftly and sigh in relief that she's still breathing. I put the tray down and walk to my door shut it loudly. She jolts awake in fear, and I let go of my emotions in that instant. I take powerful strides to her to sit her up on the bed, not gently but also not enough to harm her further.

"You need to eat then answer my questions, do you understand? Also do not speak unless spoken and do not leave this room without my hounds or me beside you."

She shook her head nervously, never losing eye contact with me. She eats a little more before I start asking my questions.

"Now, how did you enter my realm uninvited?"

"I followed the demon Drago to his hideout. He killed my parents and I wanted answers, but he didn't tell me anything. What he wanted me to do was kill him, but I don't understand why."

"That doesn't answer the question of how you got here in this realm. I need to know so I can seal that portal shut." I say angrily.

I see her eyes go wide for a second in realization before she tells me what I need to know.

"There was a symbol on a wall in his office. I happened to touch it and now I'm here." She said calmly enough so I could understand her even though I can see her freaking out internally. Humans are easy to see through, and I can tell that with this human I'm going to be in for a wild ride..

"Saviion" I yelled and he appeared immediately, he's the only demon here that I don't think of killing every second I see them.

"Yes my Queen" He said respectfully then bowed. The other demons should learn a thing or two from him.

"I need you to look into her story, she claims that a demon portal was left open near the dark quarter. Check for any discrepancies and report everything you find back to me immediately.

"As requested my queen. Would you like for me to do anything else for you?"

"Yes, I would like you to be her guard during her stay here. You're dismissed of that duty until you complete this first task. So hurry along, I don't like to be kept waiting" My eyes bore straight into his, pushing him out of my sight with a small hint of magic. Before I could completely dispel him, he got the hint and disappeared.

"Now as for you, you will accompany me just for today, so do not get any ideas. " I stated with a hint of mischief. She glared at me and mumble yes ma'am. "You wil refer to me as Miss Demon Queen or I will have you brainwashed so that all you ever think of is me. Is that umderstood?" "Yes Miss Demon Queen" she replied quickly but with the slightest hint of fear and malice.

I walked out of the room with her following behind me. "If you can't keep up with me I will have you leashed and hooked to my dogs so they can walk you, and by the way they love new toys." After that she started walking directly beside me. I don't like when demons are behind me, I get angry and ready to kill. I don't need my kill mode for this meeting just yet.

Trahlyta P. O. V.

I hate her so much. She thinks just because she's the queen she treat me however she wants. I'll show her what it means to be a good person . I'll make her nicer to me. My parents taught me that someone can always be changed but only under extreme circumstances. I know for a fact I'm no longer the sweet innocent girl I used to be. I hope she'll change and not be so disdainful to me. I know I'm only human and everything but she doesn't have to threaten me at every turn.

I'm roughly brought out of my thoughts when she forces me through very big open doors. I realize immediately that it's a meeting room full of demons. Some have wings and tails, others have scales, and some are just plain deformed or unnatural like they don't have skin skin. One demon was just plain on fire. I made sure that I stayed far away from him at all times.

Azuriel took her seat at the head of table and beckoned for me to sit on the floor beside her. I glared at her but walked and sat down. She smirked at me and I looked away to hide my blush at how much that smirk turned my insides to jelly

Stop thinking about that smirk. She's holding you captive. But she does look good doing it. Stop it or you're going to regret it.

The rest of the meeting went on with them going over how to control various regions, soul traffic and newly opened portals. Thanks to me they have to add extra security for their protection and anyone else who tries to enter without proper credentials and a certain person's permission.

I looked more closely at the demons as the meeting drones on and realized that they all wore the same insignia of swirls and other materials. It was more or less a symbol for magic. My parents told me that their was a such thing as magic but they never got to teach me how to use it properly.

Took me forever to think of what I was going to write for this book and my others. Hopefully I'll be able to update more of my books over the next 2 weeks, but do not hold me to that.

P. S.
I definitely rushed the last 10-15 sentences of Trahlyta's P. O. V.

Please give feedback on what you think so far.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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