Chapter 10: The Truth

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            Sheena was sitting in her bedroom with Chris, Katelyn and Stephanie she looked up at the time and it was somewhere around five o clock in the evening. They had been there since school was done, more or less just hanging out and spending time together. She was more than happy with things the way they were now, Chris and her were doing well even though it had only been a few days since they made everything official, she could see a future with him. Something she had always thought that her and Caleb couldn't have on the count that she always had to tell him what to do. She had made up her mind that her and Chris were a much better match to one another, Chris just seemed all around better then Caleb now. Chris passed her a joint, she had been resting her head on his shoulder, and she took a long drag off it, they had been passing it around for a few minutes now and she had been waiting for it to get to her. As she inhaled, the familiar burn filled her lungs and she rejoiced in it for a few long seconds before passing it to Stephanie who was sitting across from her.

"So did anyone else notice that Caleb and Isaiah disappeared at the same time today?" Stephanie took a puff off the joint and passed it along to Chris. Sheena had noticed that Stephanie had been acting weird since lunch break this afternoon but she denied that there was anything wrong when Sheena asked her about it. She decided right now she would leave it alone until it started to become a nuisance to her, then she would deal with it.

"That's weird, you don't think they're like, you know?" asked Katelyn implying. Katelyn had decided that with so little time left in the school year it would just be best to keep the peace for the time being. Chris took a deep puff from the joint before passing it to Sheena again.

"Can't see that being the case," coughed Chris letting out the smoke.

"What if it is though? What if Caleb's a fag too?" Stephanie persisted.

"I don't know but we're not about to go and attack him in the locker room like we did Isaiah, Caleb's a big boy," Chris laughed casually. Sheena could see that Katelyn was suddenly uncomfortable, she knew how much Katelyn objected to how they had attacked Isaiah.

"What's up Kate?" she asked.

"I don't know I just feel horrible for that poor guy, after seeing him today and the shape he was in," Katelyn looked at Chris with an accusing gaze, "How could you take a knife to someone like that, what if he bled out?" Katelyn knew she was bringing up a dead argument, that they clearly felt no remorse for what happened.

"Hey I didn't use the knife man, Jonathan did," Chris explained seemingly trying to justify his participation.

"What an animal." Katelyn shook her head and lowered her head for a second before looking up at Sheena waiting for some kind of response. Stephanie lit up a cigarette and took a puff from it.

"I don't think the what if, really matters because it didn't happen. It could have been a little lighter on the wound but it still turned out fine for us."

"I feel a little guilty about it too, to be honest, but God hates fags right so we're good the way I look at it," said Stephanie smiling as she flicked her cigarette. Katelyn couldn't believe that these were the people she used to call her best friends, it almost seemed like some kind of demon started looking down on their town and was turning people into monsters one person at a time.

"What's gotten into you guys, Sheena not a week ago Isaiah was the one of those idiots that you didn't mind," Katelyn and Sheena had talked about this before so she decided to throw it in her face, she couldn't keep her mouth shut on the topic anymore, "you see him kiss a guy and you have all but a death wish for him?" Katelyn went silent for a minute lighting a cigarette to calm her nerves a bit, everyone stayed quiet at her outburst. "The way you're acting you'd think you saw him kissing Caleb not just any guy." Sheena could feel an anger burning inside her chest as she recalled walking up the stairs and catching Caleb and Isaiah in the act. She was sure it was showing through in her facial features, it was something that made her completely furious. She figured now was the time to let everyone know Caleb's secret.

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