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Thank you so much for the inspiration @Chaotic_Fruitloopie


I woke up ready to make breakfast for everybody. I don't even want to make breakfast for Peter anymore. He doesn't deserve it. Every night since we defeated Thanos, he goes to a bar and get some random girl wasted so that he could bring her home to sleep with. The worst part is that it is so loud. I am in the room across the hall from Peter and all I hear when I try to fall asleep is Peter grunting and moaning. It is disgusting.

I walk to the kitchen after making my bed very neat. Before I make breakfast, I like to wake Groot up because he enjoys helping me cook for the others. I start the coffee machine and turn the high-powered stove on. I tiptoe to Groot and Rockets room. When I get there, I see Groot already walking into the kitchen.

"Are you ready Groot?"

"I am Groot!"

"Ok good, let's go." I pick him up and put him on my shoulder. I treat Groot differently from the others. I am nice and can let my guard down around him but when the others come around, I stiffen up and I am ready to yell at any given second.

Especially around Peter. I am hardest on Peter because I care about him differently than I care for anyone else. Surely I am not in love but I do love him. I tried fighting off my feelings for him for the longest time but I realized I was just lying to myself. I do like him, but he will never know. We have never kissed, we have only danced. But lately I have been distant from him. He has gotten worse and worse these past few weeks. He brings a new girl here every night and says goodbye to her right after breakfast, making very awkward for everybody except him.

I lowered Groot onto the table and gave him six cups to pour the coffee into. He was still shorter than the mugs still so he had to extend his legs so he could see. Still, he always manages to spill some. It's okay though, I clean it up before we all eat.

"Hey Groot... Which planets traditional breakfast shall we prepare?"

"I am Groot."

"Earth? Again? Okay." I made some bacon, waffles, and eggs. Groot would sprinkle the salt and pepper and set the table every morning. We would also wake Drax, and Rocket, while I had to wake up Mantis, Peter, and his temporary partner for the night. It killed me every morning. I tried to be nice about it, tried not to get mad. Groot knows I love him, and so does Mantis. I just can't have Peter find out.

"Hey, go wake Rocket and Drax up, I'll go get the others."

"I am Groot."

"Okay!" I said as we smiled at each other, then we high-fived and went our separate ways. I walked into Mantis' room and lightly nudged her.

"Breakfast, if you want to eat now."

"Okay, thank you." She rolled over and gave me a small smile. Then I walked over to Peter's room. This was always the worst part of my day. I knocked on the door and slowly crept in. I saw Peter laying there with a girl in his bed. She had purple skin and black hair. I walked over to Peter and rub his arm.

Sometimes I wish the girl in the bed was me. Just laying in his arms. I don't care about what they did last night. All I would want is to lay in his arms, just us two. But I won't do that. I will always but my team above me. Peter and I would tear the team apart. Plus, I wouldn't be the tough one anymore and I could never trust him anyways. He's a man hoe right now in life.

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