Your A Wizard

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  It was a peacefully quiet Sunday afternoon in the Clarke's home. The mid day Sun shinning softly through the windows, a smell of fresh coffee filling the chilled air. Bringing the youngest Clarke out of her gracious slumber, her small feet quietly padding across the cold wooden floors of the small town house echoing along with the soft snores that could be heard throughout the house from Camelot Clarke; the family Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Reality seems like a distant thought in moments like these. For the young birthday girl the world felt still; and yet it was moving 1000 miles an hour. She felt warm and fuzzy yet her surroundings were quite chilled and brass. The young girl wonders the small hall of her home ending up infront of the delectably smelling kitchen.

  Samantha is a sweet, warm, and inoccent fresh eleven year old yet equally bold, cunning, and wise beyond her eleven years.

  Her parents were quiet making Sam's Birthday Breakfast in the Galley hopping not to wake her on her special day. More special than they know yet.

  The quiet bustle from the Kitchen lost Samanthas attention, to the mail slot on the front green door. A single letter came through the golden slot, but this letter was odd. For more than one reason too. The first was that it was addressed to Samantha Clarke and she hardly got letters, second it had a peculiar sealing wax imprint, and third it was a Sunday and everyone knows no post on Sunday.
Samantha opens the door in her white night gown to see if there was post man or anyone who placed this queer letter in their home. When the door was opened she was met by no one but the neighbors Border Terrior in his respective lawn, and an owl on a light post a few homes down looking at her almost expectantly. She shut the door after realizing whomever gave her the strange letter was now gone. She picked up the letter in question walking to the Galley again, she attempts to open the letter without tearing the beautifully strange envelop. Starting by gently lift up at the wax with her small nibble fingers. By the time she reaches the kitchen she's gotten the seal off with minimal damage done to the envelope. Samantha beyond eager to know what this presumably birthday card contains began reading quickly.
Dear Miss. Clarke,
  We are pleased to inform you that you have been  accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

  Samantha sat in the kitchen rereading the even now more  peculiar letter for her 4th time. Nathan Clarke, Samantha's father saw the young girls firery brown eyes glancing over a letter with such confusion and curiosity his mind began to race.

   "Samantha? Sweetie, what are you reading?" Her father asks eye brow raised and brain thinking up where she could've possibly gotten a letter on Sunday.

  "A letter from Hogwarts? Father what is Hogwarts?" The sweet child questioned genuinely bewildered at what this letter was going on about.
To be rather honest her father was just as confused.

"Hogwarts is a school." The mother whispers as she continues to cook but with much less enthusiasm as she had before this topic arose.

"It says that much Mum" Sam jokes in attempts to lighten the now somber mood in the room.

"Your adopted sweetie. We got you from our local church. They had a year old baby left to them over night, and we had been trying for so long, we couldn't help but take you home. But there was a nun at the church who told us your were.. You were well.. A Witch we had no reason to not believe her or to believe her but there was always something magical about you, and I've always believed it. But your father believes it a lode of rubbish. But its true. Your a Witch." The mother says trying to be sensitive with all the news she loaded onto her eleven year old daughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2018 ⏰

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