In the Beginning

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"Pietro! Pietro!" called a young girl. It was in the silence of a summer's night in Sokovia that a ten year old girl's sleep was interrupted by terrifying images. She tossed and turned while calling for her brother to come and help her.

The bed next to her belonged to her twin brother. He was asleep until he heard the cry of his sister. She was having one of her usual nightmares. He quickly jolted up and ran to her side. When he reached her she was still screaming.

"Wanda! Wanda!" He called. "Wake up! Please!" He shook her until her eyes opened. There were tears streaming down her face. Once she saw that her brother was there to protect her, she wrapped her arms around him and held him close to her so that she knew nothing would get her in the night.

"It's ok." said Pietro. "I'm here. Nothing else will hurt you." He sat there and held Wanda in his arms. "What was this one about?" He asked. Wanda still had tears streaming down her face and it took all she had to make them stop. "There, there, was a monster that killed Mama and Papa and left us all alone." That was all she could manage to say. "It's ok," said Pietro "nothing will hurt you while I'm here." The Maximoffs sat in silence until they both fell back asleep in the comfort of the other's arms.

The next day...

"Papa please don't go. Just one more game, please?" cried Wanda. Her father and her were playing cards and she had managed to loose the past three games in a row. But, she was determined to come out victorious in the end. "Alright" he replied, "one more game. Pietro why don't you go and help your mother with the laundry." Pietro was in the living room watching boys running around a field while kicking a ball to each other. "Fine" replied Pietro.

Just as he started to get up, the ground started to shake. "Mama! Papa! What's happening?" called Wanda. She looked at her brother and saw the same fear in his eyes. Just at that time their mother came out of the laundry room with a worried look on her face. "What's going on?" she asked. "I don't know" replied their father. At that moment another boom sounded and the ground shook once more.

Wanda ran to the safety of Pietro's arms and looked around in fear. She had never seen her brother so scared. "Wanda! Pietro! Go get under a bed in your bedroom!" said their father.

The two children did not hesitate. They ran into their bedroom and hid under Wanda's bed to try and get away from this nightmare. Their parents had run out of their apartment to see what was happening while the twins lay helpless under the bed. "Pietro, I'm scared." cried Wanda. She was hoping for reassurance that everything would be alright but that reassurance never came. The two turned their heads towards the door hoping to see their parents.

At that moment their father rushed in and tried to tell them to stay where they are but nothing came out. Instead of their father giving them hope that everything would turn out alright, another boom sounded and everything in front of their eyes was blown away. Their father was nocked off of his feet, the walls were destroyed and the ceiling had disappeared. Their bed was pressing down on them and made it hard to move. Wanda tried to scream but nothing but silence came out. Not sure of what they were supposed to do, they just stared at the place where their father stood not five seconds before.

Wanda had a single tear streak down her cheek. Pietro took one look at his terrified sister and knew that he had to be brave, for here. After all, he was twelve minutes older than her so it was his responsibility to take care of her. He knew that his parents couldn't have survived the explosion so he had to be the strength his sister needed right now. "Wanda look at me," he said as gently as he could, "look at me." Wanda tried to wipe the tears from her face then turned her face towards her brother. "Look, everything is going to be alright. We are going to get out of this. I need you to be strong for me okay." he said. All Wanda could do was nod her head.

Before either one of them could do another thing something was dropped near them. A bomb. A bomb lay there, three feet from their faces. The same kind of bomb that killed their parents. And on that bomb was written one word: Stark. The two took one look at the bomb then looked at the other. They knew this was it. This would be the way they died. Each grabbed onto the other and waited for the worst to come.

Seconds turned into minutes as they waited for the bomb to go off and end their lives. Wanda kept looking at Pietro and the bomb. What was taking it so long. Why wouldn't it just go off. She decided to try and get out from under the bed but, as she moved the bed shook and she quickly stopped. Every effort to save them, every shift in the bricks she thought this will set it off.

Two days later...

"Hello! Is there anyone trapped!" called a voice.

The Maximoff twins had been trapped under that twin sized bed for two days before someone showed up.

Pietro was the first to hear the voice asking for survivors. "Hear! We're hear!" he cried, "please help us!" Wanda started to scream with him. Not to long after did a group of people show up and lift the bed off of them. "Are you kids alright?" asked one of them. "Are one of you hurt? Where are your parents?" Wanda and Pietro just looked at one another as if trying to decide who would answer the man. "We're fine. Our parents are dead. They were killed by the bombs." Pietro replied. The men just looked at one another until one finally said, " You kids are safe now. Everything will be okay." Wanda looked at her brother and she had hope in her eyes for the first time in two days. Pietro wrapped his arms around her and held her in a hug that told her everything we alright. His sister was safe and that was all he cared about. But he knew that now the had to find the man who did this to them. He had to find Stark.

I'm not sure how the first chapter turned out so feedback is deeply appreciated.

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