Chapter 1

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Ten years later...

"Okay so if we storm the tower we can find him and take him down." plotted Pietro.

"Ya that would work if you want to get us caught. We need to think this through. If we just storm in there without reinforcements then we are bound to get caught. The Avengers would stop us before we even got to Stark." reasoned Wanda.

For the past ten years, the Maximoff twins had been thinking of ways to make Stark pay for killing their parents and for taking their childhood away from them. After being found in the ruins of their home they were taken and put into an orphanage where they had stayed ever since the tragedy.

"Look, there are people rallying against the Americans. Not a lot of people, but enough to make a difference. We can join them and gain their help. We will need help if we want to bring Stark to his knees." said Wanda. "They are doing it tonight. In town square. We have to go. We need to let people know what the Americans did. They need to be held responsible."

"Alright," said Pietro, "we'll go. "


That night the twins snuck out and went to town square. It was just like Wanda had said. There were people standing in the streets holding signs and screaming. Pietro was the first to join in. He grabbed a sign and started yelling with the rest of the people. This event was not like Wanda imagined. At first she was frightened for her brother and herself. But, she built up the courage to join Pietro, front and center.

The two were so caught up in the moment that the didn't see the police running straight towards them. Everyone else started running away but the Maximoffs stood their ground. The police were moving in closer but they didn't care. They pulled out their guns and pointed it towards the twins. At that moment, Wanda's heart dropped. She feared for her and her brothers life. But, Pietro had not flinched.

"Pietro, let's go," pleaded Wanda, "this is out of our control now." The police still moved closer and closer until they were right in the twins face. Wanda tried to drag Pietro away but before she could a police officer had pushed Pietro and he pushed back. Before she knew it her brother and the officer had got into a fist fight. The other officers had rushed toward them and tried to pull them apart. Wanda screamed at her brother to stop but he didn't.

In mid-fight, Pietro looked at his sister. He could see the same fear in her eyes that he saw seven years ago. He knew that fighting now would not help them later. The first chance he got he took to grab Wanda and run.

They ran as fast as they could but the police were still on their tails. Finally they found a dark alley and ran to the end of it. They hid in the shadows and watched as the police ran right by them. They were safe, for now.

Wanda looked at her brother and pulled him into a big embrace. It was only a few seconds until a strange voice interrupted their reunion. "What would two kids like you be doing getting into trouble with the police." it said. The two then turned around to see a man in dark clothing and a monocle standing in the corner, starring straight at them.

"Who are you?" asked Pietro, "what do you want?" He nudged his sister and stepped in front of her. "My name is Baron Strucker. I've been observing the two of you and have noticed that you two have big intention but I'm not sure towards what. Mind filling me in?" the man said. "That riot you two were involved in was against Americans. What do you hate about Americans so much?" Wanda and Pietro looked at each other. Neither one of them knew if they should tell the man the truth or not. Finally Pietro stepped forward. "Ten years ago, an American killed our parents and took our childhood. We simply what to make the man pay who did it."

Strucker smiled before he spoke next. "I think I could help with your mission. If you think you are up for it." Wanda smiled and spoke before Pietro could even think. "We're in."

I didn't really like how this chapter turned out but please leave your thoughts on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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