Something New.

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When my mom walked in, She said she was tired from a long day at work. I wouldn't blame her, She works late all the time to avoid Andre. For the last five minutes Ive been contemplating on what to tell her. I mean... what would your mom do if you lost your virginity by getting raped and then you started to enjoy it? Think about it. Ive been having little textlationships with my past boyfriends, you know , going to an all girl school, I never see them. This is the first time Ive ever been... Intimate. I wanted to stay away from boys! From all of this! I dont know what I was- Interrupted in my thoughts by knocking at my door. My stomach started to turn, I knew it was my mom. What if she kicks me out? What will happen? I told her to come in. She looks tired , She started off saying

"Hey Honey I wanted to talk to you about something ",

I responded nervously , " Whatsup mom"?

"I wanted to ask what you thought anout moving , I wanted to pack up and move to a way bigger house and a better school area for you. Not saying Preshill Isnt a good school but I wanted to get rid of andre and I thought it would be good for us".

Not wanting to move , All my friends are here? It is a great idea but Im going to be the new girl! I don't want that at all. But I know for a fact I wont ever have to see Andre again or have to tell my mom since were leaving him. I guess I can make new friends? It shouldn't be that hard .... Right?

After thinking for a while , I replied to my mom. "So when do we leave"?
Ive never seen her smile so hard since my dad was alive , She told me "Start packing and we will be outta here by tomorrow night , and btw. We moving to Pittsburgh".

Utah to Pittsburgh? Thats going to suck. Im up for it though. I began opening up draws and packing my clothes up, started wrapping the fragile things in bubble wrap and packing them up. It was about 11 at night when I started and when It hit 1 I figured It was time to get some rest! Going to be packing all day tomorrow anyways.

~Tomorrow Morning ~

I wake up to my alarm at 7 in the morning. God why was that alarm still scheduled for everyday? Its the summer! Im so use to it for school, I forgot. Thinking of school, My mom was telling me it starts exactly a month from today, and today was July 27th. and its another all girl school. Don't get me wrong, I love being with girls , They totally understand me, But I lovveeeeee my male friends. Im not a hoe or anything, I just like boys more than girls. Their cooler. But anyways, I went to make breakfast and I also texted my closes friends to tell them Im leaving and I would like to see them today. Man I know Taylor going to really miss me. We always kicked it in middle school when we was younger. One time my mom ordered a chicken salad , and we ate all the chicken! Lol It was funny at that moment. Fixing my cereal , My phone started buzzing, It was taylor
" fuck you mean leaving? Is this a joke?"
See Didnt I tell yall? She loves me swear.

Laughing , I replied " Just come over and help me pack up :)".

I put my phone down and around 7:45 I heard my doorbell ringing.
Now I know I said come over, But who comes to someones house at 7:45 in the morning? Is this life?
Getting up I opened the door. She came busting in looking like she just rolled out of bed... I mean she technically did but she looked bad.
" I just wanted to spend all day with you before you left Kendra".
Awee see this is why I love her, " You trying make me cry girl? Come on, Come upstairs . Lets catch up".

Couple hours later Taylor knew everything that happened with Andre. She was in so much shock she couldn't process words. all I could do was daze. After like ten minutes she got up and started jumping around screaming . Omg she is lucky its one oclock in the afternoon or my mom would of beaten both of us. She started asking a million questions , " How was it? How did it feel? would you do it again? WHY DIDNT YOU CALL ME"? Getting tired of them I shouted " Kendra!" She shutup in two seconds. " It was rape at first hellooooo WERE YOU EVEN LISTENING?"
" Im sorry Girl you know I just need to know everything . "
My god this girl is something else. I ended up answering all her questions and we just talked, My mom told me earlier we were leaving when Andre went to work. His dumb ass didnt even notice the house was packed up, Stupid. So happy to leave. I said bye to Taylor and told her Ill see her soon. My mom and I and packed up the truck... This was really it. Im really leaving my home town to go to ... Pittsburgh.
Just now processing all of it

This shit is really crazy.

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