Pink Boxers Equal White Roses

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"Niall fucking Horan!" Harry whines loudly at the washer. Niall hadn't separated the colors properly and washed it in the wrong temperature water. Now all the whites (and his) were soft pink due to the red wool socks that made it into the wash.

Harry knows it's an accident. But fuck.

Niall pokes his head into the wash room, having heard him from the living room. "Yes my darling?" He murmurs, his eyes soft and full of love.

Harry raises his brows and hold their now pink boxers in one hand and one of his and Niall's white t shirts. "What colours are these supposed to be, babe?" Harry stands up and gives Niall a long look, taking in his gym clothing.

Niall flushes a deep pink. "I-uh." He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

"What colour, Niall?" He raises a brow.

"White." Niall mumbles and hides half his face behind the wall.

Harry nods and pulls out the red socks and put them on top of the washer before starting another load and putting bleach in. "What colour are our boxers and our shirts now?"

Niall lets out a noise and completely goes completely behind the wall. "Pink."

"Pink!" He nods and leans against the washer. "Because you washed your red socks... with all of our whites." Harry sighs.

"I'm sorry." Niall peeks back around.

Harry sighs again. "I separated the laundry. Why were there red socks in the whites?" He asks calmly.

"I don't know." Niall says honestly. "I switched the colours to the dryer and loaded the whites. Maybe the socks got left behind, stuck." He says and bites his lip.

Harry nods and runs his fingers through his hair. "Okay." He murmurs and passes Niall, leaning in kissing his cheek. "Thanks for switching the laundry. Have fun at the gym."

Niall pouts and watches him go. He knew Harry isn't mad but he could tell he is tired. "Love you!" He calls out.

"I love you." Harry calls back and start to make the bed.

Harry hears the garage door shut and he flops down onto the bed. He whines and buries his face in Niall's pillow. He is just overly tired and jet lagged. He feels bad for snapping at Niall and knew he needed to apologize. After laying in the bed for a while he forces himself on a walk.


Niall worked out hard with Mark and they were leaving the gym, Niall telling his personal trainer the drama of the pink clothes and Mark can't stop laughing.

"Oh mate. He's probably just tired," he claps his back.

"I'm gonna pick him up some flowers." Niall smiles and nods. "White ones." He unlocks his car.

"Good luck mate. See you tomorrow." Mark waves and gets into his car.

Niall stops by a floral shop and gets a dozen white roses and drives home. He sees Harry walking back up to the house, headphones in, hands buried in the sweatshirt he stole from from Niall's side of the closet, and slightly flushed cheeks. A soft smile takes over Niall's face and he walks towards Harry, a sheepish grin taking over his face. "Hey baby. I'm sorry about the pink clothes." He says and holds the roses out to Harry.

Harry looks at the flowers and looks at Niall. "White roses for the white clothes your ruined?" He teases and takes them from Niall, taking in the scent of the roses.

Niall blushes and scratches the back of his neck. "Didn't think about it that way." He mumbles and gives Harry a smile and a thumbs up.

He pulls Niall into a tight hug, sighing when his arms wrap around Harry's waist.

"I love you." Harry whispers and rubs his back. "Thank you for the flowers."

Niall kisses the top of his head. "I love you. Let me draw us a bath and we can order in and I'll order take out and we can watch-"

"Footie." Harry interrupts, "Or golf." Harry smiles and pulls away, taking Niall's hand firmly in yours, leading him inside through the garage.

"And we will order new white things online." Niall says and leans against the counter.

Harry trims the stems, put the flowers in a vase, and set them in the bar.

"Sounds good." He leans over the counter and give Niall a gentle kiss.

Niall kisses Harry back and lets his hand rest on his cheek gently. "Love you, pet."

"Love you." Harry murmurs and search Niall's eyes.

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