We're Boyfriends

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Harry put his Audi in park, sighing as he got out and made sure that his car beeped to ensure that it was locked. He walked slowly into the pub, letting the warmth of it push out the cold that had settled into his bones walking from the parking lot to the pub. He glanced around, taking stock of who was in the pub.

His gaze locked with another man's who was sitting in the corner. There were two drinks in his hands-his fucking beautiful hands with thick fingers. Fuck. A cocktail-a tequila sunrise if his guess was right-and a Guiness. The eyes he was looking at were the bluest he had ever seen. God, the rest of this guy was hot too. He had a smirk that he couldn't help but mirror. His hair looked soft, his shoulders were broad that went to his narrow waist. His thighs were deliciously thick-Harry could only guess his bum would be just as thick. A peach of sorts.

His feet moved before his mind could catch up. He was going to talk to this man. He had to. Harry felt nerves bundle in his stomach as he got closer. The man's smirk turned to an easy smile. "Hi..." He cleared his voice. "Before you say anything," the beautiful, lighter brunette tried to interrupt. "I just have to say. I'm not gay. But you look hot as fuck."

The shorter brunette blinked at this tall, curly haired man. "Harry, we're fucking boyfriends, you tit." Niall pressed the tequila sunrise into Harry's hand. "But thank you, pet." He hums and leans in to give Harry a gentle peck on the lips. "You look quite hot today too."

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