Episode 8

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Flashback from episode 7

D teacher:Ok I will have partners again and I will choose.

You were waiting for your name and you were with......

Fell in love with a Goodess FF

D teacher:Y/n will be with Jimin


Jimin:God why are you loud.


But then someone came in the room.

???:Sorry in late im new and I was really lost.

D teacher:Its ok come and introduce yourself.

???:Hello my name is Bambam and i hope we can be friends.

Y/N:No I can't be.

Flashback to your trip to the U.S.

Y/N:Ow watch were your going!!

???:Im so sorry by the way my name is Bambam.

Y/N:Im Y/N

Bambam:Well you don't look American are you?

Y/N:No im Korean but im here for a trip.

Bambam:Oh me too but I study here.

After that you and Bambam because close friends until he asked you out.

Bambam:I like you Y/N will you go out with me?

Y/N:Bambam I cant i will leave in 3 days and I don't think long distance relationships work out im sorry.

Bambam:But at least do you like me too?

Y/N:Yes I fell for you but I don't want to end hurt myself and you so pls.

Bambam:I understand but I will never forget you and I will always love you Y/N.

Back to dance class.

D teacher:Ok you will get with a group you will go with Y/N and Jimin.


Y/N:Hi Bambam.

Jimin:Do you know each other?

Bambam & Y/N: Yes we meet in the U.S.

Jimin:Oh ok well let's start.

After class Bambam wanted to talk.

Bambam:Long time Y/N.

Y/N:Um yeah so you moved back to Korea.

Bambam:Yeah I came back for my love.

Y/N:Your love who?

Bambam:You Y/N you are the person I loved and that I will always love.

Y/N:Bambam it was such I long time I moved on and I like someone im sorry.

Bambam:No last time your last words were sorry but not again.

After that Bambam traped you and started to kiss your neck.

Y/N:Bambam PLS STOP.

Jimin was looking for you and then he herd you scream and went looking for you.

Jimin: Bambam let her go!

Bambam:What I don't want to?!

Jimin:It's the 2nd time I save her from boys like you so if I were you I would leave.

Then Bambam punched Jimin and they started fighting.

Y/N:Jimin stop it's ok

Jimin:Are you ok?

Y/N:Yes thx.

After school.

Jimin:Y/N do you want me to take you home?

Y/N:W-what w-why?

Jimin:Oh you know just if Bambam follows you or something.

Y/N:Oh yeah thx

After that you and Jimin were going home.

Bambam followed you and Jimin to your house.

After Jimin was going back Bambam stabbed him and then went to your house.

???:Omg let me call 911


After that he passed out.

Bambam broke into your house.
Then he took you to an abandoned place.

Bambam:Oh Y/N don't think Jimin is going to save you because I think he is busy fighting for his life.

Y/N:What did you do to him.

Bambam:Oh nothing just a some little stabs.

Y/N:Bambam why are you doing this you are a good person.

Bambam:After you left me I wanted to die because I felt rejected so now I will have my revenge.

Jimin POV

I woke up in a hospital and then remembered that Bambam took Y/N so I got up and went out of the room but then a doctor came to me and told me to wait for a police to make my statement.

Police:You were stabbed do you know who did it?

Jimin lied because you said he was your friend even tho what happened.

Jimin:No I don't know but when he stabbed me he wet into my girlfriends house and he kidnapped her pls you need to find her.

Jimin lied and said you were his girlfriend so they would look for you.

Back to your POV

You were crying and then Bambam came and told you to shut up.

Bambam:Stop crying or I will hurt you.

You were so loud that people could hear you from outside and called the police.

Police:Yes how can I help?

???:Yes hello im outside an abounded house and their is screaming from the inside and it sounds like a girl and then a male voice screaming to her.

Police:Send us the location we are on our way.

The police that answered was the one that was with Jimin and he was their too so he had a plan.

After they left Jimin got out by the window and went to the place.

He went in and he could hear your screaming and he went for you.

Bambam:I told you to stop screaming.

After that Bambam hit you.

Jimin was so mad and he went in and then.....

To be continued 😁

Meme of the day

Meme of the day

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