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Your welcome SamAndColbyIsLife

Devyns p.o.v.

  We driving to tue second place colby could be. Suicide bridge. I pulled up to it and got out. Nobody. There was 2 notes and a phone. Colbys phone. I ran over there and grabbed it and looked over the edge. There he was. I called everyone. Sam started crying after he and brennen read the letter. I read mine. We were all crying while the cops tried getting informarion we didnt know out of us. It was torturous. They said he had a slight pulse but most likely he will die. That made us cry harder. He had landed on a rock and was hit by it in the stomach. None of us could stop crying by now. I got a pass onto the ambulance. I lied and said i was his sister. They were poking  him with needles and doing the unimaginable. I saw on his stories he posted a picture of the view from the top of the bridge. 'Goodbye'. We are so oblivious. We couldve found him so much faster.

Sams p.o.v.

None of us could stop balling. He is most likely dead or will never leave the hospital. This was my fault. Why am i such a letdown. I might as well go with him. He still had a pulse. Omg he had a pulse. I dont know if ue heard me or felt it but i told him i loved him and for him to hold on. I kissed him.

Colbys p.o.v.

Damnit. I cant even die right. I heard devynn scream and the sirens come and the tears of mybclose friends. Im suprised the cared at all. I heard devyn lie to the cop and say she was my sister. I heard sam. And felt it. "Baby hang on tight, i love you colby brock. Longer than you think."  Then he kissed me. His lips were soft. Softer than brennens. I think i might choose him. But it is still close. I know what brennen did. But you could tell he was on drugs. He wasnt stable with that. He never was. And sam isnt stable mentally. He has cut for over a year and a half now. Either way i go i could end up in a hell hole. I need to choose wisely.

Ok so this took a while to think up but i did it. Im magical made a real chapter over 350 words it is 402. Be proud. And SamAndColbyIsLife. You mean so much to me i made a whole chapter for you and only you. If u ever need to talk im here man. Ily. Only some homo lol

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