Chapter 2

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Harry's point of view•

So this morning I woke up and went to that building where that chick lives and knocked on every door and no luck with finding my brown eyed friend.

I go to the very last door at the very end of the hall and knock on it.

"Coming!" I hear a girl voice yell.

When she opens the door I see the blonde girl I saw yesterday.

"Hello blondie." I smile at her rocking on my heel to the balls of my feet.

"Hi, come in." She says leaving the door and heading off to the kitchen I suppose.

I close the door behind me and hang up my coat.

This girl has a lot of coats hanging for living by herself.

I follow the noise and it leads to the kitchen.

"I just woke up like twenty minutes ago so I haven't eaten. Do you want breakfast?" She asks taking out eggs.

"Sure, why not." I shrug sitting on a stool.

"I wanted you to meet my roommate but she had a meeting of some sort." She sighs grabbing spinach from the fridge.

"Oh, that explains the coat hanger." I laugh.

"Yeah, you would've loved her. I didn't even tell her we were going to have company in the morning, I haven't spoken to her since yesterday morning." She shakes her head chopping away on the cutting board.

"What's her job?" I ask.

"Oh well you see her aunt moved away, and her aunt owned a therapy place. Okay well her plan was to come once a month to see how everything was, collect her paycheck and go back. But it was getting complicated for her and she remembered that her niece had a therapy degree and could own a business. So her aunt offered to buy her a apartment in return for her taking over the business."

"Wait, so your friend owns a therapy place?"

"Yeah, and I'm the co owner."

"How old are you guys?" I ask looking at her and looking at her features.

"Nineteen, we went through an early college program." She said scrambling eggs.

"Oh, I see. That's good, money at a very young age." I nod my head. She looks at me weirdly and puffs up her right cheek.

"What do you do?"

"My family owns a computer company, and I took over just like three months ago."

"That explains why you live in the rich houses." She nods her head while she mixes ingredients.

"I actually share the house with two of my friends. They co own with me. Our fathers were the original owners so their sons took over."

"Sounds sweet." She nods. "Why do you all live together?"

"We rather save money for the future, and just use what we need for the present." I nod my head while she grabs plates and nods her head.

"Why do you and your friend live together?" I ask her.

"Well when her aunt offered this to her, she obviously said yes. But she asked if she could have a co owner and her aunt said yes and that's how we came to be."

"But how does her aunt know you're not crazy or something?"

"My friend and I have been friends for sixteen years, so I'm basically family." She looks at me weirdly.

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