Chapter 5

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Feeling a disturbance on my body, I opened my eyes slowly. I looked around at my surroundings. The walls, the ceiling, the floor all looked familiar. It was a tad bit dark, and I moved my hands around. I scrunched my nose as my fingertips came into contact with something sticky. I came to the conclusion that this was the same lubricant like saliva the Xenomorph's had. That's when everything came back to me, the images of a few hours prior returning.

The image of being in a monsters arms, having the monster carefully caress my body and move himself in and out of me. The thought should make me sick, but oddly... It didn't. It felt right, like everything I did was right. It was right in my heart. But as I looked around me, something did not feel right.


He wasn't here.

Zerksis wasn't here. He wasn't here with me, just like he was when we both laid together. Furrowing my brows, I huffed.

I got ditched.

Why did this feel so familiar? Ah, it feels like a one night stand in my home and the guy leaves right after. I scrunched my nose, standing up and patting myself off. I tried to look presentable but I had to get out of here fast. I can't be out alone with the 'infestation'. I scoffed at the word, rolling my eyes. These people... Not knowing what they're truly dealing with.

Defying laws of nature.

But at the same time, I was just like them wasn't I? I was researching these creatures and studying them just like they were. Only difference was, I had sex with one of them and got ditched by him. It didn't make sense though, but it pissed me off. No, he couldn't have done it on purpose.

He didn't have human morals and ideals, it could've been anything. Maybe the Queen calling for him? The very idea of her made me shudder. She was in command of everything, and all of them. She could make him turn on me any second... But he couldn't possibly do that, right? I don't know... He was different. Whatever.

As I stepped out of the broom closet, I looked around to make sure everything was clear. I walked as quickly as I could to get out of here. I would return to Zerksis later, just not now. I had no idea where he was at the moment. My eyes moved around the hallway, and I noticed the lights were flickering in one section. This place has gone to shit since the fall. Turning a corner, I felt my face collide with a wall, but not really a wall. A man. I looked up, covering my nose as I hissed in pain.

But the man I was expecting wasn't there. It wasn't Sanchez, but his right hand guy, Sergeant Barnes. I breathed a sigh of relief, glad it wasn't some rogue Xenomorph or Sanchez.

"Just the lady I was lookin' for." He said, crouching down low and pulling me down with him.

"What are you doing here Barnes? I told Sanchez to fuck off." I replied, almost close to giving him the same treatment I gave Sanchez. All I had to was scream.

"Yeah, I saw the look on his face when he got back. He was a little pissed, but nah, I'm not here because of him. Got orders to retrieve you from Mr. Yutani." He nodded his head back in the direction he came from. I sighed, not really wanting to return, but what choice did I have? I looked up to him and met his striking blue eyes. He was quite handsome now that I took a good look at him. He had a bit of scruff on his jaw and had nice brown hair the came down a little past his jaw. I mentally slapped myself out of my thoughts, focus Helena!

I only nodded in his direction, and his hands framed around his gun. I gave him a dirty look and he only shook his head.

"Sorry, but I gotta do everything in my power to protect ya. That means shooting them if I have to, I'm sorry." He turned his back to me and starting walking in the direction that he came from. I sighed, looking at the floor. At least he wasn't like Sanchez right? He knew this was important to me and was sincere about his actions. What an uncommon occurrence for soldiers...

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