Chapter 6

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"Mr. Yutani, I've had sex with the creature."

The words flooded my head, what did I just say?

Even I was surprised at my sudden out burst. How could I have said this? Why, in God's name, would I tell anyone that? Was it out of desperation?

The heads that turned as soon as I said such a thing was creepy. All heads turning to you was alarming, quite scary to be honest. Some were disgusted, other were curious, and others were confused. I would be to, if someone I knew just blurted out that they had sex with an alien species. Seriously, what was wrong with me? Truly, the only gaze that bothered me was Sergeant Barnes. His eyes weren't judgmental, nor interested. He just seemed to... take it in?

I didn't know what else to say.

"Excuse me Mr. Yutani, I apologize for my sudden outburst." I could only reply with that, but he had taken a step forward to face me.

"What the fuck? What the fuck!?" I heard Sanchez's voice ahead of me, the tone in which was confused and disgusted. I understood why though, hearing news of a human and xenomorph having sexual intercourse was something that some would find disgusting. Even I was unsure if it was disgusting or not. 

"Is this true, Ms. Sorenson?" Yutani's voice pulled me out of my thoughts, and I was unsure of how to answer the question. There was no going back, now was there?

I nodded. "Yes sir."

"Interesting..." He replied, holding his hands behind his back. It was an intimidating stare that came from him, making me stare at the floor instead of his eyes.

"I've never heard of Human and Xenomorph intercourse... And I am quite unsure of how Xenomorph's reproduce among themselves, let alone intercourse." He was talking to himself, letting his thoughts out probably. "Very well. I've changed my mind." He looked to me with a smile. It was oddly reassuring, but at the same time... Unsettling.

"Y-You have? That means the plan is still on?" I asked, being filled with hope.

"For now, not yet. I won't carry out the plan on leaving them and abandoning our mission. But I won't continue our mission to capture them either." He said. Well, that's something, I guess. "No, instead I want you to write a full report on it. Every detail in the report, please. Then we will talk about carrying out the initial mission."

I sighed, a little disappointed and let down.

"I understand. I'll get to work on it immediately, sir." 

"That you will." He replied.

"Okay, but what the fuck? You're fine with this, learning that she fucked a bug? That's disgusting, who the hell does that? I say we burn 'em to the ground." Sanchez began, but Yutani ended him as soon as he began.

"Final orders. I don't want to hear anymore." 

Sanchez looked defeated, shaking his head while he glared at me.

"Yeah.. Me neither." He said as I was under his disgusting gaze. As he stared at me, I only grew more uncomfortable. This man... Something was not right with him. I felt violated under his gaze.

Before I could speak in retaliation, a figure broke my line of sight of Sanchez. I looked up, seeing the familiar brown hair and blue eyed face. Sergeant Barnes, he had returned to me. A part of me felt happy and relieved.

"Disappointed?" He asked, it was like he was reading my mind.

Huffing in defeat, I sat down. "Yeah. I mean, how could I not be?" I asked, swaying my legs back and forth under the seat as a nervous habit.

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