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Follow these admins (you should not unfollow them until you're a member of this club)

1. PoetinPurple

2. megnate

1. The language of your story should be 'English'.

2. You will be grouped with three members and each member should be commenting on 2 chapters of each other's book.
Everyone should also comment on 2 chapter of BOTW i.e., book of the week. (If you're grouped with Botw then you should comment on total 4 chapters of his/her book)

3. You can only join this club with 1 book at a time and your book should have atleast 3+ chapters in it.

4. MAIN -
You should comment 1-2 inline sentences at least three times in a chapter.(different lines)
Eg: Oh! Wow the description is nice.
So! True.
How can she do that!?
⚫ At the end of the chapter you'll be giving 60+ words paragraph about that whole chapter. You can include detailing, appreciation, sweet criticism and suggestions for improvement in it. (not summary)
⚫ When you are done with all the members and commenting stuff, then you should comment 'DONE' on your group. (mentioning chapters you've commented on so that I can check your comments properly.) If you don't comment done, your assignment won't be marked as completed.

5. You can win BOTW(Book of the week) by achieving the below criteria :-

➡ If you complete your assignments within 24 hours, you may win botw or additional bonus. The top 3 commentators(according to their time of completion) will be awarded as botw.

Tornado - You should read 2 chapters of Tornado.

Cyclone - Vote any 7 chapters of cyclone. (If the book have lesser than 7 chapters then you should vote all the published chapters.)

WindBlows - Vote any 4 chapters of WindBlows.

6. Your comment should not be containing any word or meaning that may harm somebody's emotions or views or sentiments. The password is your book title's first three letters.

7. You should complete your assignment within a given period of time otherwise pendings will be marked on you.

8. Readers should respond to my message board on my profile where I'll ask their suggestions about the club.

9. Read all Author's Note.

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